Thursday, December 26, 2013

The Day After.

On my first day of use or lose leave... so very weird. One that Christmas was in the middle of the week and the other that I have use or lose to use. Kinda crazy.

Sitting here in the morning. Second day of non medication sleep ( kinda sleep ). I am not sure if I am groggy from lack of sleep or what. I keep preparing to do "something" but have no clue where to start with "it". Perhaps I will get an idea in a few moments while I am writing this. One is, finish the computer room arrangement. Sadly one of the things I have to do in that is go into the cold garage and locate a splitter. Hmmm.... Maybe later.

I need to clear my cameras memory chip. I can stay warm and do that. I could download the videos.. Yeah.. I can do that too.... BRB.... Okay, hooked up Anker card reader I got for Christmas and am about to...CLEAR THAT CARD! LOL. DONE!!!! Whew.. broke a sweat. Okay.. I am on a for the videos!! I'm going for it. Video one / three parts / moving.

Dum de dum dum da da de de.....

Okay chip one moved, checked and cleared. Video verified and interesting. I think I will clip some shots out of it for this blog...perhaps. Onto chip 2. Lets see if I blind the cam with the burning.

Da dum da dum da dum...

Chip two. Excellent. Why it is setting the files in the way it is I do not know. Will have to check that. But the video looks good as it was pointing upward into the envelope for the whole glow. Very bright and some blasted segments but all good. I will have to clip out some from it too.... in a bit. Off to do some ... things.

The below clips are from the GoPro video files. Not a high pixel count but still fun.

Laying out the envelope next to Meow and Diamonds. I kinda scrunched myself in there.

Showing how to hold the cables on the fan side of the throat.

Flame On. That blue looks  great.

Up she comes. Three basic burns and she lifts.

Whisper ball in the middle of the envelope.

Diamonds and Meow glowing.

Bob and Mo take over so I can go take pictures of everyone. Jon and Justin are at the top of the picture keeping it on the ground. hah.

I clipped out a bunch more but this is good for now.

Meow and Diamonds kept me stable even though there was no winds it was great to be sheltered by them.

Oh the blue thing on the ground is my protector for the basket. Not really needed but better to keep it being done then to forget it out on the mesa somewhere.

I found a few things to look at on the web...

Photoshop... lots of screwups. I can see normal people doing this but big time magazines?

Interesting. I like the space and size but not the container.

2 and 7 are excellent.

Good luck. So far everything here came out good. Everything is useful and workin fine. So no need to return anything.

Yeah fun. Going to go do some more "things"