Sunday, December 15, 2013

Moth to a flame.

I have gone from no sleep to an hour of restless nightmarish napping then up rush around cleaning up messes and after that was pictures of lights and editing then present wrapping now blog. All in one sentence and all that quickly.

Missed the second day of the AAAA Jingle Bell Rally.. very sad that but I would have had an accident just trying to drive over to the park. Didn't need that and no one needs to be around me when I am that way. Its bad enough that my friends have to live with me when I am normal.

I didn't miss the temps or the chill in my bones. It would have been a great day to go to breakfast. Red or Green Chili on a pile of eggs and ham would have been nice. Oh well. Someday I will get me some of that.

The thoughts running through my head today are, simplify...clear... organize... correct... lists... to do's... not done's. I am still dithering over relocating my computers and external drives. I walk in the door to the room and just stand there. I am pretty much exclusively using my Windows Tablet all the time. It works like a champ. No problems at all. What I should be concentrating on I don't want to concentrating on. I have to make a list. Another list. Work harder and smarter. If it were that easy.

I would really love to spend this Christmas with the family up North but can't due to certain situations. Ah well...... Choices choices...

Since I cant keep a straight thought in my head I will just post a few of the shots I edited today... and get on getting.... lost

Cheery Glow.
 These are light globes. They can be removed from their charging plate and taken around where ever you want a little light. They sequence through all the colors.

One Charming Balloon.
 One of the many balloons on the tree.

 A christmas ornament from my nieces and nephew in Colorado.

Swirling in the blue sky.
 LED brightness.

Pierced reflections.
A nice wax melting light from Lucy. It shoots seagull shapes all over the walls.

I am drawn to lights. I am not a moth. Even tigers like lights... whatever that means. If I was toasty warm I would be outside taking pictures of just lights... Oh.. and if I had time. Space and time are still getting a bad rap. Force equals mass over time.. and a wing tip shoe. Make time.. make it... go... yeah right.....

Another report on the hologram situation of the universe as we know it.. three times in three days.... Maybe they are worried about it. How can I worry about that when I have insurance to worry about. Oh... moot point if the Universe is collapsing.... or being turned off.. shut down... closed up... battening down the hatches?

Return on value.... I think its all good to modify your mode of transportation but remember the return on value.. if you're  putting a bunch of money into it are you going to get that back when you sell it or are you going to just drive it till its deader than a doornail? Why are doornails prone to be dead. Are there Zombie nails?

I ran across this and I should get one for my soon to be sister in law... She was accosted in broad daylight.. this would help... I think my brother and I could get her about 5. Great idea.

When I think this would be a great job... and I can think that it would be nice to be served hand and foot... I cannot think how impossible it would be to eat, study, read, evacuate all laying on your back... Then there is the recuperation after... All good things have a proviso.... I really like saying proviso. PrOvIsO.

Only a few more minor things to pick up for Christmas..... Which is a good thing really. People be getting nuts out there. Stay safe.