Saturday, December 7, 2013

Kicken Back.

Not really.

It was hunt for the Christmas decorations in many many boxes. Just finished up locating the tree top Angel. It was in a box already in the house. Sigh. Guess I have to put aside some time to reorganize the garage after I put boxes everywhere in the search. I also need to have a bonfire. TOo bad I have closed up my chimney. I could have heated my house for quite a while.

Sad that the group at the Red Rock Balloon Rally did not fly again today.. I wanted to see some good pics.. fingers crossed for tomorrow. Come on .. lets do some calm winds out there. Glow pics were nice... which got me looking for glow pics to bang around... which I did... but in a moment.

Thinking on the near future and the need to find more economical conveyance without breaking the bank.. or bruising it at all... I had thoughts of a scooter as i had posted a picture of my Mum sitting side saddle on a mice old motorcycle.. that led me to motorcycles... and then to Cafe Racers. I always wanted a motorcycle. I was going to buy one back in 83. Belt drive Kawasaki... but I couldnt find a place to store it until I got back from Italy. No clue to how to get it to Italy either and its more dangerous to ride in Italy by far than Albuquerque... so I started looking... Choices... Fiat itty bitty car or Cafe Racer? Which could be much cheaper. Could I ride it most of the year? Could I be safe on it? I ponder these things.. Its not anything coming soon..

So...... here are a few glow pictures I messed with quickly. Some good ideas.. All good for computer backgrounds. I will hunt some more up while resting after moving all those heavy boxes. Yeesh!

Touch of blue.


A Candle's Fire.


Flickering Light.

Worthwhile pursuits.

And not so worthwhile.

THey are watching you and the tinfoil hat only makes it easier... If you have a cam cover it.. And dont get me started on the Xbox thingie..

The last one is a very good idea... very good.

Wooo pretty.. Love maps and these.. well.. nicely done.

Natural wonders.... I dont know about the force of use.. but if they are happy... then....

This says more about how we are manipulated or we manipulate ourselves. Its not just meat.. its Veggies to Vegans and Computers to nerds and Phones to new age yuppies.... No I have to control myself too... majorly. Its a bugger not to be swayed by the things floating in front of my eyes. And I am content now. No I'm not.. Yes I am .. no I'm not.. yes I AM! Yeesh!

Oh. and one of these.... wooooo..... nice.........