Friday, December 20, 2013

Buck Buck

10.025 pine trees laying… pine needles everywhere!

Tis the season to eat as much chocolate and candies as you can stuff in your pockets at one time.

Or not… all depends on your pockets.

Two good things today. 1. I finished up a computer property remove doc ( 9 pages long ) and its ready to send to HQ to get their approval. Once that is done I can do the main removal paperwork along with a bunch of other things that are not on that list… Anything with a hard drive you know. After that is out I can look into all the other things. 2. VIP or the Noaa Weather Radio Voice Improvement Processor is up and working with a new audio board. 3. I had. A good lunch of soup.. Oh that's three… Fourth… No one expects the Spanish Inquisition.

Lets start again.

I found myself looking at some of the pictures my Dad took when he went to England last. I found a bunch of stained glass shots that were nice but not usable in their current form. Most were from the side lower or too dark or had some other odd angle. What I did was take them, run them through a tone mapping, then brought them into GIMP, aligned them best possible for straight on view and cropped for subject. After that I made black and whites out of them. Some I defocused. Then I went back in and painted what I wanted. I even went back and tried different things. They turned out pretty nice. I wish I had hi quality versions to work with but… that's why I am planning a visit myself.    Soon.

Soon ish. I just spent a whole minute trying to get ish to stay ish not wish. Sheesh!
And two more minutes with the next two. Dang spell check. Oh boy now my fingers are typing things I am not thinking.. like Damn for dang back there.

Okay.. here are the ones I was able to mess with.. plus a pub sign I had to remove a lamp post from. Not my best edit but I doubt you can see where it disappeared from.

Find the Ghost Post.

This shot was moved left, centered, skewed, colorized.

Just a quiet outing.
 The only thing I did here was colorize and defocus.

Original Designs.
 Adjusted for keying, colorized select area.

A bird in the hand.
 My Mum. In England, background defocused and adjusted, cropped.

I have to go back and remove the lawn mower.

If there were a general clearing house of web sites it would have my name on it.

I raised one (1) eyebrow on this… why would you be looking for inspiration from here?

Okay.. I don't much care about a gift I receive under a few conditions, and  proviso. If I receive a gift that someone put a bit of thought into and didn't just grab something off the shelf, I thank you. If I cannot use it I will regift it to one who can or it will be donated. That was the proviso. If I get a gift that is thoughtless I will still say thank you ( for carrying the moose head across town ) and put it aside for further study and though on if this person hates me, is normally clueless, or sending a message. Okay the moose head is not a good choice here because I would love a moose head.. as long as the moose didn't mind. If a gift is rude or disrespectful I will still say thanks… I may say.. what were you thinking in the nicest way.. I will bury it in the back yard. No.. Again.. I will donate it unless its that bad… then it goes in the back yard.. with a little headstone. I will not throw anything out that could possibly be used by someone. Again.. if there is caring behind it you get a hearty thanks!

I went on but…

Woo.. here’s a brain stem puller…. What ever could it be?

I had this happen with my work card.. not at Target.. just random hit and charge. Not nice, not fun, not happy at all. I like the first commented on the comments section. Two or more number sets on the card. You use this at regular stores. Online there should be a verification process.. my card being ripped off should have hit many bells… 1. Not my name 2. Not my location. 3. Wrong item for the card. 4. Wrong location second time. I could go one. This should have hit the alarms hard… not a tinkle.

Keep secure. Keep an eye on your account.

Sad times when it would be good to go to a paperless money system.. or almost paperless. Unfortunately you can't secure anything online… and never ever trust the gov't with any data… any… they will misuse it then blame some low echelon person. Always happens. No one in the top is held accountable like they should. I remember way back when that if one of your troops screwed up.. first your head rolled.. then if the troop knew it was wrong and didn't report it or refuse his head rolled. Now…. Hah… What buck.. you HAD a buck.