Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Soap boxed.

8th day of Christmas my crew dog sent to me.. 8 gallons of propane… 7 chickens a roasting…6 hands a line holding…. 5 pickled herrings… 4 disgruntled homeowners… 3 vents lines a setting..2 burners burning… One awesome launch!

Yeah, my singing is worse! Ask Bob.

In the course of history we overcome many pitfalls and traps to our freedoms. What at first seems to be a helping hand almost always costs more than expected in money and liberty and the reality is that what you paid for is nothing but hollow and manipulated words. Hear me clearly… Truth, Justice, Law… like a three legged stool.. weaken one and fall. History, history, history. Remember your history.. Heck just look up what led to world war 2. It was not that long ago.

I know I am not the best writer, and I know I have a dickens of a time with punctuation, spelling and every other segment of clean and concise writing but what I have unfortunately read on line saddens me. Am I that old? Not really. Am I a grammar or spelling freak… no. What I see is basic words misspelled using their other meaning… too, to, two, 2… What, wart, wat..great, grate… It goes on and on… ( yes I do use leading periods. To me they are pauses that one comma will not encompass ). I want a delay… could I do this instead,,,, pause, pause, pause, pause, and go on? Its not speed of writing that causes the errors in minor words its laziness. You get to the point of expecting the receiver of your message to decipher it. Its easy but at the loss of our selves. Cursive writing is almost gone. Yes I am at fault too. I stopped using cursive writing when I was in drafting in High School. There was no need for it. Just because there is no need I do think we should still teach it. It is about flow, grace, and defining your words before they hit the paper.

Don't get me started on the lack of real knowledge in our up and coming humans. From 9 to 35, they almost always have no clue about history ( the very important bits ) or what isn't clearly affecting them on a daily basis. They are in touch with that that touches them but out of touch on things that will kick their asses down the road. Entropy? Reversion? Our tech gets better our brains get worse.

Point in fact.. before cell phones you could remember quite a few phone numbers and passwords. I could. I can't now. Another point in fact… there is so much stimulus ( TV, internet, cell phones, MP3 players ) that thinking … real thinking is very hard to do.. and I believe some of our younger people do not think… they react… they look up pointless things on the net if it hits them. Memorizing is gone. No need. I find it hard to think… straight think.. process and deduce on a daily basis. I repeat, and repeat. It may be old age. I have heard said that as you age your ability to filter degrades. I think it may be both. Too much.. and increasing and too old.

Don't get me started on the movies and television shows and even some books I have read lately. Thank goodness they were only 1.99 to purchase… like oatmeal. Glop. With some of the writers I have read and figured out after, “thinking” about it that I didn't much care for a book where I could not empathize with the characters. I didn't care… they didn't make me care. I could care less. More old age?

Some things to think on….

Dot dot dot…

Some mind easing things….

Some more colorized wide edits good for wallpaper or backgrounds..



Bullet Chrome.

Da Nash.


All from Santa Rosa. All edits from pictures that were not good for much else.

After all the ranting above I had to do something nice... Uh Oh.. more ranting... links!

Um.. I think they are avoiding the point here. Penguins are serious pickpockets. They stay close 1. for warmth and 2. to get better at ripping people off at zoos! 

A bit expensive but well within my "okay that works for me" zone. Very nice indeed!

Can I detest these people.. can I look on distain? I will not judge them.. but I can I look out the sides of my eyes.. then roll them?

As much as I went "all out" ( I love using quotation marks hahahah ) and built two clear computers with blue lights and glowing fans and such I think most of these are out there in the geek zone. If I was given one of them I probably would break it down and minimize it. Hah! 

Looks cool though. I guess my priorities have really taken a header off the proverbial cliff dwellers head.

I shall go and rattle my head around for a bit. Much work to do tomorrow.. I missed a deadline and I feel bad! I have created a trip wire and a do by date in my calendar for the future. 

Hope your day went well.