Thursday, October 31, 2013

Darker Shots for tonight.

Its like jackals around a water buffalo. Tearing and shredding. When will the buffalo fight back or will it come to its knees. It don't look good for some. They can't catch a clue. They do not know their history. They are “bounding” to repeat it. Too bad the rest of us are being caught up in the Idiocracy.

I'll just sit here and shake my head at it all.

Oh.. and I must be the only one who gets to appointments before or on time. I was supposed to have a visit at 1030 this morning but no….. at 12 and they stood me up. Please call me again “company that wants my business” so I can tell you sorry we only want people who are on time. What a waste of time.

Also… if you want my business….. back up the item you sold me. Do not repeatedly bring me a replacement that's as broken as the one I received. Then blame me for being upset because its taken you past four months and I still don't have it.

Happier items of the day. It went from ugly outside to pretty and nice. A little cold in the air. Not chilly but cool… Colors have changed along the Rio Grande. Trees are heading for sleep. Its gotten colder faster this year. I wonder if spring will come as quickly. I sure hope so. We usually have a month or two of nice weather… not this year. Straight to cold.

I managed to do some editing of old shots for tonight. All taken in Las Vegas New Mexico. Not as wild as Las Vegas Nevada.

Rather Haunted looking.

Links you might be interested in.

As much as I am tired of the negative you need to know this… Motor Vehicle Department on Ludes.

Yellowstone Park. Gotta get there before it blows…. Not while its blowing or after.

Anyone up for a game of Marco Polo in this ball pit?

The Slobberer? Impotent?

Well… apropos as they are they still work today… don't they.

“rim shot”!

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Feeling of Accomplishment

Or did I forget something... hahahahahaa....

CB complete. Gone for a vetting. I checked all the ads and all the dates and and and..... Well hopefully its tight this time. So much information it gets a little wonky there. Now its time to sit back for a bit.

Listening to Shining Star by Earth Wind and Fire.

Been a while since I have felt like listening to music...

Now. Together by The Pet Shop Boys... excellent.

Did I get to pictures you ask.. Yes.. I did.. more signs and stuff.. Getting to the end of the files and into the lower quality files. I wonder how they will fare with the process. I read an article about anything over 10 mega pixels is a waste unless your doing murals and then you had darn well better get the shot right because every blemish will show. Interesting. I love huge sized shots because I can go and crop without losing quality.. I get 12.3 mp now so that's all good.

Here are a few...

Vegas Baby.

 Grants Baby! Oh.. not so fun. True by Spandau Ballet.

Bluewater...... No Baby. Blasted by the sun.

Other side of Bluewater.

Central Rockets.

Satellite Down.

4th Street Gateway

Some fun in these shots to crop out all the garbage around them. Every one of them had to be shot from a specific angle to get rid of the distractions. Worth it though. No cropping at all here. Full 12.3 mpix.

OKay.. enough of the typing... or almost...

Driving by Everything But The Girl.

Two Way Street by Kimbra

Oopsies in movies.. yeah.. saw that coming..

Its going to get to the point when everyone dumps facebook for the next thing... because of all the tracking.

Love by The Dream Academy

Big Oopsie.. face hit.

And I saved the best for last.. dang but I saw this coming....

Magic Carpet Ride by Steppenwolf

Tuesday, October 29, 2013


Got a card for my birthday from my Dad. It was a peanuts card and said what it said. To the point and funny. My Dad had spent time looking for the card for me. I will always love him and I know he's the best. I know when I was younger that he impressed upon me many things that come back at the strangest times and keep me relatively straight. I wish I had his smarts and control. I hope he lives longer than his oldest living sister and continues to keep me pointed in the right direction. It may take a 2x4 to keep me attentive though Dad (wink).

Today before I got home it was a lesson in control. From keeping calm and also standing my ground and not being pushed about. Not that I was being pushed hard just being nudged into accepting the unacceptable. All good. Lose your temper lose the battle. Dad advice. Also being nice when you don't have to works wonders.
The remainder of the day I was at the radar site. Watching the new Air Conditioner's being installed. It all went very well but there is a problem with the sense line that monitors them. Its saying they are shut off when they are on and working fine. Some jumper or card is missing. They are working on it. The flies up there are terrible, aggressive buggers.

Since I dont have time to do any pictures today or at least right now I will pawn off some pictures of the radar site and install.

AC unit 2 out. Running on AC unit 1.

The done and stairs. Super painful to walk up those stairs just to forget something and have to walk down and up again.

New 6 ton units in and running. Lookin good!

The winds are coming up and the clouds are being ripped backwards.

There is a storm a comin...Its comin round the bend...

Whew its nice to be out of the flies.

Speak to me Seymour!

Still silly....still not worth the moola.... Can you say Apple.

This looks pretty awesome. Think of an aircraft carrier that looked like this. With Vtol only aircraft.

Turnups make for small Jack O lanterns.

Wow is it sad how fast they will point their fingers at everyone else.....

All of it from Gizmodo today. All good things and a lot more out there that I didn't post due to time constraints. You have the sites.. go gettem!

Monday, October 28, 2013

Monday Contortions.

Spending the weekend in shorts… getting back in the pants thing…. Sigh.
It was a mucked up weekend again as you may have noticed from the last two blogs entries.

For a Monday work wise it went smoothly. Not too many hiccups as of yet. Tomorrow will be very interesting though. Two huge AC units being installed. Two times in the paperwork says “only one AC unit can be down at a time”. We shall see. May have to scram the radar fast if they oopsie something.

I have a list for the week and it looks like some long hours but not uninteresting. One thing I am quite irritated about… I have lost a system diagram I was working on. Its just…. Gone…… recreating it is gonna be a real Pi**er! Tomorrow in between other things I will try and fit that in.

I ran into some signs in a few files that were worth the time to colorize. I did stop early yesterday as dreaming about it isn't as much fun as real sleep. Colorful but not fun. Here are a few.

Lasso Tucumcari. One of my favorite signs. It has shown up on the TLC channel as a wall hanging. Granted it was just a center shot.

Wilkerson's Interesting how the walls are adobe and breaking apart.

Groceries and shade.

Pioneer. Some shots that wont work elsewhere work fine here.

Tewa. Minimalist. I wonder how the rooms are.

Hiland Refurbed.

De Anza Sealed.

All along Route 66 from Tucumcari to Albuquerque.

Then some things I saw…

Oh Oh oh….. boring!  I want 1200 x 1080 full display glasses!

A very astute statement in the middle of this… We will be known more for what we have torn down then what we have built. Tin cans…

Oh… I know I could use this. I know where. It sure wouldn't be on my chest as I normally bounce all over the palace it would get pretty sickening…. But I could use it.

A cabin in the woods. Minus all the stupid stuff. I wonder if the dog gets a coat? How would this be in perhaps Cornwall? I could spend some time here. I like how they reused all the windows. Very nice. Very in tune with the nature around them. Hope it has a nice toilet.. or did they make a fully windowed outhouse? Find out.

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Brain Tired.

I think my brain is fried. Too much messing around by Dr.'s. Absolutely no sleep last night. You know how when you play a video game too long you dream it. Well that was happening with me last night and non sleep. I was painting everything. Not as much fun as you would think. Fried, cooked, toasted.

I did get a video completed. Day 4 with Reed. Into the Rio Grande, out, over the trees and up and around all the other balloons. It was quite amazing with the balloons so close. In the video it looks like they are farther away but they are not. Quite novel. Very interesting to maneuver around all those other fun guys and gals.

Even though I was up all night painting pictures I still did more this morning. I cant leave it alone. I have not gotten through all the pictures and I have skipped over a lot. Foolish me found a nice flower picture and what I thought would be a quick edit took an hour. You cant stop after you start or you have to start all over again.

I am going to look for some more "easy" ones to do this evening. I have been working on the CB also but Its hard to concentrate on the writing. Just a few things to go on that. Oh. About the only thing I can taste is Cherry pie. Is that a bad thing? LOL. Here are some of today's take.

Blew this up to get all the leaves in. I'll call this ...Perspective.

Where there are blue skies.

and Doorways.
 Some errors on this one. Will have to redo it.

Nowhere Pump.


Bunches I skipped over in these. Hard to decide what and how.


Keep safe...

The net is a dirty place full of unsavory govt peeping toms.

And more funky things. Wooooooo......

Interesting things that are interesting. Interesting.

Super fun. Stay in my chair and do not shake head. Yiiiiiiii!

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Por Favor?

Eyes are so tired and head so aches. Yeah.. different day same..... sigh.

I did get my basket all clean. Top bottom and in between. Underside washed off. Inside washed out. Wiped out. Floor pad and side pads cleaned. Bottom leather and top leather conditioned. All the other bits of leather conditioned. Oops.. Didn't do the upright covers. Oh well... I can do those tomorrow. It looks good and is drying now.

 Inside right. Hand hold and equipment bag connections.

 Bare floor. Internal metal lower ring around bottom of basket.

 Top leather conditioned. Wicker washed and wiped. Lower handles cleaned of goats heads. Lower kick leather conditioned and bottom washed. The black think in the upper left is the padded floor.

Back side with wall padding. Two cables with carabiners. Foot step.

Pretty flower found on the wall outside the last AAAA mixer. Very pretty, almost fake looking.

All pics taken with my phone. Not too bad.

I am still hunting down black and whites to do. Plus other CB stuff. Ill be here all night.. try the meatloaf.

And some iffy links for you.

Sleeptalker.. an app. Oh.. boy.. I don't know that I want to know..

Woooo.. scary stuff...

Bad day..... could have been worse?

Bad idea! Oh.. stop now....

Off to take the standard pain meds... then.. lalalalalalalalalala

Friday, October 25, 2013


Friday feels like the bottom of a coffee cup before strainers. All those little flakes of would be coffee… drowned and mucky in the bottom.

Reading coffee leaves is much harder than reading tea leaves. Looking in the bottom of both will only get you the standard replay of “why are you looking here”.

I seem to have a need to go through my photo files as fast and as continuous as possible poking for colorizable shots. Its almost as bad a drinking. Or I am just very compulsive right now. Or have been for a bit. I have even passed up very good shots because I know they would take hours to render. I want instant gratification. Maybe I will come back to them. I was going to try and get some to a gallery on my web page but got stuck doing the Fiesta edited shots first. All five galleries of them.And that's just the edited shots. Not the normal shots. Or even the wide angle shots. All that before I can get to these colorized versions. Oh.. and yes.. I am still all burned out on balloons.

What I worked on this eve…

Color Television.



Eric the Spider.



Lone Cactus.

THe spider was hard. I had to zoom in 200 percent to get it without blurring.

Then links. Not much.

Doesn't matter.. VIKINGS!

Boo… manipulation of the environment is a man made disaster…stoppit!

Sail… Tesla Coil… As good as VIKINGS!!

This would be hard for me to do unless as stated in the blog you all wanted to do exactly the same thing at the same time. Quite hard. Believe.

And an extra for today as its Friday and yes.. some of my nights are just like this….


Oh Oh!!! Last one.. wow…. Woman problems!!

Thursday, October 24, 2013


Its goes without saying that I am a tad Hyperactive. Dr appt today and new med regimen and I am already hyping out. Hmm... Sorry everyone I work with. Tomorrow should be "real" interesting. I do have to knock off the afternoon soda, but not my morning coffee. Heart rate is great. Nice and low.

I did get a bunch of things done today that I have been meaning to do. Not exactly what I wanted to do but its close. I did do three things I was not going to do because I was standing there. Told you.. hyper.

At last the day 1 video processed. I edited it and ran it but the quality setting was too low. I bumped it up two steps but then every time I tried to upload it, it would fail. Now I have reprocessed it again using the 720 setting and its uploaded and waiting for the thumbnail to set. I will put a link on facebook for it soon. It is a dual ( front and back ) synced video. Super wide and sped up to about 9x. It is the whole cycle from waiting to get launched by a launch director to landing and laying down. Not everything as there isn't that much time. Fun though.

I did post two more, and the remainder of my Fiesta edited shots last night. Five folios or galleries total. Now I have to do one for all the wide edits I did but that will go into a different file. After that I will start posting the black and white colorization's. For now here are a few I did last night. Some I decided to color just on little thing....


Nothing good on TV.

My favorite cup.

Golden hued waters.

Good Good.

Missing a boot.

Time Out.

More to go.

Wooooo... scary too... no not another govt shutdown in January... but close

I had this idea ages ago as a child. If the East floods all the time.. pipe all that water out West. Sigh. Not because of just growing but to get the water away from the idiots who build their houses 6 inchses above the regular river level NEXT TO THE RIVER. sheesh.

Nothing like a giant space cannon... GO Japan!

And money was spent to do this...

I just wanted tea.