Sunday, December 29, 2013

Monday... What are those?

Wow... did time fly. Wow...did I waste some of it. Wow.... three days to the new year.

No, I didn't waste all of it. The computer room is pretty tight. All I have is two cables left to run that I cant do until Monday night and then wrap the cables and done. It looks great and there is so much more space to move around. Not cluttered. Now the room closet is a mess. I have to get in there and sort out all the junk that has stacked up. I have to move all the books out ( paperback ) to the garage and file DVDs but nothing I can't do on New Years day after the Rose Bowl parade.

Since the body did not want to feel better after crawling out of bed today again I did some net surfing. First the news. Sad to see so much bad and so little good. So many out of jobs and no place to live. It really sucks. I cannot fathom how the govt thinks that restricting businesses with new taxes, new rules, new invasions will create more jobs. Its like we are becoming France... that is not a good thing. Blah.

On other fun things and not so depressing to think about stuff... Waffles!

This is an amazing artist. She is creating this huge painting of an iceberg. Why... who the heck knows. No really why. But its better than the art that is displayed in some galleries... as I have said before.

I applaud her for ability. Yes I can be an art critic. A very hard art critic. I just think on what people pay for some of the garbage out there and I just sigh. LOL. So deep here. Look. She is wearing something that is not black! Thats no artist... hahhahahahahaa....

Onto other things.

Lets see, I could talk about pictures, or Video processing, Ballooning or what.....

How about shopping? I like shopping. I do not like standing there for four hours staring at one pair of pants.

I did have a plan to go antique hunting today. I dont know if its going to happen because I feel so wretched. I like taking pictures when out "tiquing". I love lamps and clocks and old phones. Oh and mirrors. You never know what you're going to run into when out. Also, if you only go once in a year you are going to miss a lot of stuff.  There are quite a few places on 4th street here and also along Central. You will pay a higher mark up on Central than 4th. You do have to watch out for crap being sold as gold in some places. Makes you scratch your head.

One of my favorite places to go....

It always has things that are interesting and not overpriced. I dont always buy but I love to look.

The other is the Antique Co op. We first went to this place and it was mostly garage sale stuff. Now its more tiques. They do not have a website so here is the goggle maps link.,Albuquerque,+NM&ei=tmXAUqqiNeSQyAHq9IDICw&ved=0CN0BEMgT

I found some nice things on Central but the prices were almost double what they should have been. We looked at a wash stand and it was broken and missing tiles and they wanted as much as a fully functional and complete wash stand. Yeah... I didn't buy anything in that store. Use your phones net link to check prices so you do not get ripped off.

Have fun, Take your camera, ask permission to shoot.. always get close ups and wide angles. You never know what will crop up in a shot.

Links were few and far between again this morning....

This should be Brine but that didn't have the oomph for the story... so cheese...

PU..... funny.

Sherlock Holmes is somewhat in the public domain at last. I think 50 to 70 years after the death of the author is a bit much for copywrites. Please. Lets go to 30 years or better yet 20 years for the families so suck all the blood out of the characters.

Hollywood technology.. yeah..... It looks more like Wesley Crusher than anyone else. Love the provisos on this. What a joke. Even DNA testing is not foolproof.

OKay whatever. I am looking for shots to split and put in 20 by 30 frames in my living room. These might work but its a bit much... But what do you put up on a wall?

Right and Left.

 More fun stuff to look at and figure out. I should label this " things I can do from my chair hiding in my house".