Wednesday, December 11, 2013


Argh… what an afternoon of roadblocks I ran into today. Other than having my credit card number stolen and used for a plane ticket out of Florida.. of which I have never visited… which means paperwork and a phone call today… sigh.. Like I have nothing else to do… Stupid rip offs.
Why the company didn't catch it I don't know.. Wrong name, Wrong card, Plane ticket, Out of country… come on! You could have called and checked!!!  Sigh. I've had to cut the card up and have to wait for a new one. I was even asked if I had the card in hand… yes.. yes I do. Sigh again.


Yeah.. and you would think I would get some aspirin's or something. Nope. At the house, did the dishes, lighted the tree’s and sat down.. woops.. gotta get back up. Bang Bang Bang.. and I didn't even party last night.

OKay…. now there are aspirin's in my system.

This is what? Wednesday right… OKay.. Um.. Got a nice call from Sue this afternoon helping me out with a access problem to our phone system. YAY!! Now I can start working on modifying our VoIP system for the changes that my Boss wants. Going to be jiggly, but its good to have work to do. I can tire of paperwork too quickly, but modifying setting on this system is interesting. It’s about like hitting a button and the door falls off your car. Not that doors are falling off but terminology on the site is.. interesting. So what you think your doing may end up.. well ringing the wrong extension or bouncing all over the office. I like it and it really is fun.

For some people.. lots of people the computer is a necessary evil… use it as little as possible and get on getting on. Well I knew when I was young… that it was an amazing thing and the net would be stunning in its variety… too bad about the cats though. Talk about bugs…. ya cant swing around without hitting a cat on the net. Even the cad programs are great now. I remember doing all that on pencil and paper…worrying about line widths and weights and aspects.. now… control d, shift y.. la la la…. I do house designs in a few hours. Oh yes… and I will say that I like what I come up with more than what I see out there now. Pitiful what people with too much money do with it. Barf central. One design I have been toying with for a while is a very nice totally open concept house. From the sides you cant see it and the front and back is all mirrored glass with security sliding shutters that are color matched to the terrain around it. About the only thing you can see is the portico… It looks like its a gazebo ( but only 4 sides ) in the middle of rocks and trees. Someone give me a grant to build it.

Onward and upward. One more hard drive backed up, mirrored and verified. There are some hidden files but no worries. Now I have just the completed videos to look at.

Since I didn't have much time, here are a few more OR less obscure colorizations…

The Other Side Of The Tracks.
Not so obscure but fun. Hard to paint it though.

Lindstrand Pressure.
 Yes the Lindstrand is colorized.

Cheap Motel.
Obscure but in your face. I need to redo this one again.

 Hunting for the flickers.

Post Haste.
 Very wicked job painting out this shot.

Ugh.. go away head aches...

I have wanted a set of full sized screens in a headset and at last its coming out and now Apple is sticking their rear out.. I do hate mooners.

For a place that "supposedly" is all natural and all about nature they sure did rip apart the earth to modify their area.. I do not like.

Ow..ow ! OW OW OW OW!!!

Like I said.. I could build a invisible building or house better than this in my half sleep... 11 is close..

11 is a wall.. but the same idea can be applied to house walls. THe best would be a gradual hill with a center courtyard in the ground with one tubeway into the courtyard. You see nothing from the exterior but have all the light and also protection. If you wanted outside windows you can tilt the mirrored windows to look downward like this /______ and so at a distance you would just see grass or rocks. Sigh!