Sunday, March 22, 2015

Up close and personal

For the third day I have been able to lever myself out of the house with camera in hand. Not too bad. Lets see if I can keep it up.

I decided last night to see if I could get out of the house in the morning and meet up with friends for some family ballooning. It worked out fine. I was up about 2 hours before and didn't even set an alarm. I hoped that if I wanted to go I would get up on time. Really way before time which turned out to be fine since I got to lay there and listen to my brain harass me about people that have gone missing in my life and general assaults about delays, paperwork and things out of my control. Love it when it does that. I know I am not alone of people with overactive brain scrambling bugs.. Sheesh.

Normal days ballooning is getting up, getting cleaned and dressed and piling into the truck and driving out ( with side trip for coffee ( as I have cut myself off of Starbucks coffee for my own good ) I stopped for a treat... of Starbucks coffee )... and waiting for everyone to show up. Then, once everyone has arrived, waiting for sunrise while getting equipment out and set up. There is a slight delay that happens.. and I will let Eric explain this... as he said this morning when he was asked why he had not set up yet... His words... paraphrased "Its the wait till the sun comes up so you can take cover thing".. or some such. It was very calm out but even waiting we had to adjust more East as the very tiniest breeze had changed as the sun broached the Sandia crest. So always duck and cover before dawn! So Eric was a way..

I decided while standing there that I would get some more intimate shots of ballooning than the normal "its a balloon in the sky" shots, its a balloon standing there" shots.... I got those too but I did get very close also. Yep, I even had a few people pose.. which was fun....

I took 504 shots. Of those 504 there were 50 that I directly edited because they were what I wanted to capture today plus a few that were just the right thing at the right time.. and a shot that was so amazing I couldn't believe I was right in that exact spot I needed to be to see it. I will only insert the few that really stood out in this blog and when I have time to go through the others I will add them to my web site.

Waiting  and wondering.
 Standing around waiting for the balloon to show up.

That Intimate Touch.
 Just the softest touch on that squeeze trigger on Kubi burners. I love love oh love my Lindstrand squeeze burners... the machining on them is superb and a dream to caress.

Show me that burn.
A posed shot with the perfect burn and envelope in the background. Excellent!

Connections in the dawns light. 
One of the most important connections you can make. Lined up right and locked and secure.

Kkisses at apogee.
 Artistic licence of apogee...It sounds great.... I can and I will! The balloon is perfectly centered exactly above. Note the highest panel line on the edge of the envelope is exact all the way around. Yes.. I took about 12 pictures to get this shot.

Release the Propane!
 It seems to surge straight out and upward from the burner but in reality and with lurid grace it escapes and chases around the coils and whips to a fro fighting to be released.

Toys in the sandbox.
 At the right spot and the right moment and the right level on this huge rotating ball of surreality ( surreal reality ( yeah)). A little toy being played with and tossed about. Only holding on without being aware of the tenuousness of life.

Enveloping the vehicles.
The only time it is okay to have your envelope touch a vehicle.. be it a shadows touch, it is a touch. 

( Whistling )

Morning fire in the sky.
 Today's banner and a nice predawn shot of the Sandia ridge-line. A ripple of heat just before its felt.

Is there only one way?
Logo for facebook for the day. Ive gone the opposite way on a one way road. Its possible. Its doable. Its also possible to get hit head on but if you go slowly and have a goofy look on your face you normally can get away with it.

I am going to add some of these directly to facebook for friends plus add a few not seen here which are more personal... as I would never expose some things to the whole world. ( ";o) )

Enjoy your evening, day, morning....

PS I lost my lens cap somewhere before the chase only to find it right under my foot after the chase was over. Heh!