Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Saint Patrick's Day

When you are named after a very famous Saint... LOL... you get a variance... You do not have to wear green or get pinched because you already are green. So if anyone pinches you you can haul off and bop them over the head! My Father named me Patrick Michael for a good reason.... and ...and that is... Um..... Because! He even has a nick name for me so Im all good with that. I will tell you that growing up with that name didn't go easy. It was get a sense of humor quickly or be ready to fight at a moments notice. I'm more a happy person so Id rather not have to wack you over the head with a stick.

We all know that Saint Patrick wacked all the snakes in Ireland with a stick to move them hence! Begone with ye! Now if we could just get rid of the sassenaches we would be good. Hahahahaha

Last night I had a thought... Okay... other than breathing and thinking about food.... I wondered if emblems would go over as posters... huge ones.. not complete ones... So I went looking for such here and there.... I found a few and I made a couple and edited more. The main thing is there are so few large ones. I do not have time to recreate them whole cloth.. but I will.. here are a few I thought of and I will apply the same with more later but this was a taste to see how it would go. BIG and BOLD!

 Army Sir!

Red Rover.


Stars and Bars.


I will make more using other emblems.. there are many but of that many.. many have to be totally created as they only survive in words or stories. But excellent fun to do.

So many things out there but take a moments notice to see in a different light or view. Getting down off your high horse and just looking helps. I may not be able to do it much but when I do... A lot of ideas come to mind and as much as I would like my brain to be quiet more it is a loss of those ideas that would suck.

I was reading also last night on all of the old secret places and secret ( hah ) places that are now exposed and then also on what are called superfund sites and dangerous places to live or be... I had one thought. After the bastards who polluted the land and water have finished stripping every penny then run off who is going after them to correct the damage they did? I believe... or I think that if you or your family ( I am talking owners of the company ) made money on this type of crap then you and your family are responsible to clean it up. And the govt should go after you instead of taking kickbacks and campaign money to slip it past... I hate this and what it does to beautiful countryside.

( Kicking the soap box back to the corner ).

In the office today after completing all the property work that had to be done... ( now we are waiting on signatures ) we finished up the walls to my office and got power to them. The office ( Electronics shop ) has not had an update to the cubicles or furniture since 1993. We got some serviceable cast offs with taller sections to help us out. Power was applied and we are doing better. Still waiting on some pieces and parts to finish up. Tomorrow more of the same.. property, paperwork, walls.

After all the goofy St Pattys day banners a more down to earth version for today.. 199 days till fiesta too.

Also a nice Byzantine cross for my logo.

Last before I head off to think about things that need thought.. ( yes very very hard to do )... a very funny sign.

Good night.