Friday, March 20, 2015


The urge to go stand in one area of Albuquerque on a day like today.. overcast, cloudy, a soup day is uuber-nominal. But I have to work so a quick jaunt to the store for a few things was excellent. I didn't drive so I got to snap shots though  the windows as we buzzed by. Three stops and all in one hour.

All that rushing and the people who were supposed to show up did not. Nice huh. Well I did get some good shots of odd things. I only touched a few for tonight's blog.

Funny parts of that roundabout trip... one guy standing on the overpass at Montano looking at his ?gameboy?cellphone?ipad? and that's it. We went down the hill and then we went back up after two stops and he was still there.... very strange...

Just wandering around back and forth. There were about four other people pan handling in the area. Sadly you cant tell the real needy from the ripoffs. This guys backpack is very expensive but he may not even have been asking for money.. just a strange guy doing strange things.

Whatever.. cool person to take a picture of. I can see many things.. he has a cane, nice backpack, good jeans and sneakers and coat and what looks like a bag of chips under his arm.

I think that little ramp thing is interesting. It covers part of the supports for the highway sign.. why this has not been corrected I dont know.. but it must be irritating for anyone in a wheelchair.

Other things I was witness to.. hahaha..

This little "left on green arrow only" sign is the most ignored sign I have ever seen. People just blast past it.. then get hit and wonder why.... also causing backups forever.

Pdel! I am going to call Paseo Del Norte PDel from now on. Fun with depth of field.

Dinosaurs over the big I. Another cloud looked like it was flipping us off so I didn't take a picture of it.. pretty shy cloud.

I have noticed two dust spots on my pictures. I know that the sensor cleaning system is running every time I turn my camera on so it might be on the lens inside. Almost time to take it in for a cleaning.

See I got out and took pictures today... impressive. Maybe this weekend I can get out and take real pictures of more real things. The virus that had invaded my system is still lingering but its down to a ragged cough now. Lets hope it decides to move on.

My facebook banner for the day was another post tube nearby the University... laughable and showing of how people try and manipulate mushy minds in the area...... as usual.

Logo.. and yes I need one!

I wandered around the nets last night and ran into a few funny things... which are below..

The last one.... god of blown circuits.