Wednesday, March 25, 2015


80 some-odd gone and 60 many more to go.. then just a tich more farther and its all done and cleaned up. Many Minutes of paperwork and automatic processes.Those  that you don't know about will make you more work.

When I know what I am supposed to do I love doing it. Yup! It was even looking like I could get off work on time today but about 20 minutes before I got stuck escorting until 4:30. ugh.. LOL.. It was worth it in the long run. I am hoping to maybe get a small break tomorrow and Friday.. well... if I don't.. and have to work, at least its work worth doing and not too bad to do at all........... LOLOLOL. I love this job.

I did get out to dump some stuff at the recyclers today ( as I was speaking about above ). I took the camera and shot a bunch of whatever shots.. my eye kept getting drawn to the bunches of signs.. and the people.. but we were moving too fast for me to get many of those people ones and almost too fast for signs. Here are my picks for today. I will dig into more of them later and see what neat stuff shows up. Another day of taking pictures!!

Central and and and....
 Route 66 is always fun to draw in on, especially when there are few cars ahead.

Baskets of Graffiti.
 Neat and on the Cowboys & Indians store.

A mana woman a man and a cart..waitin fer the bus.
 Snap shot across the truck and missing the rear view mirror.. The cart makes the picture.

Short n Sweet.
 Not the first time I have seen this... automobile.... but the first clear shot.

Edge of the Mountain.
 A different perspective of my favorite ridge-line. The strange things I love.

Stacks of Signs.
This is what I saw. its not really that bad..just the stretch of the lens and angle.

All in all 122 shots and something interesting in almost every one.... One very old street walker.. but I wont cause distress by posting that shot LOL. Many to go back and dig through. Yay me for getting out and taking pictures another day.I really really have to do Central at night again. There is more neon floating around. It also looks like they are shooting a movie at the De Anza motel.. they are working on it everywhere and have screens up too. Interesting.

My facebook banner for the day.. It brings memories of Fiesta and the massive amount of porta potties for the humongous amount of people. A little inside joke.

 Day 191... 191 days until Fiesta.. and here I sit..... hahahahahaha... hope there's TP!

Logo for the day. Route 66
Such a lodestone that crosses the city. Mm.. can almost smell the hot sun burned pavement and wisps of sage on the air....  I had a Golden Pride breakfast burritto today. The green chili just sat there warming my insides up for an hour.. smoky and heady spice.. mmmm. and BACON!!!!