Monday, August 3, 2015


Did I ever tell you I hate being a home owner. I really hate it. Other than the costly mortgage that never seems to end and the yearly taxes that never seem to stay in time to the worth of the house but spiral upward somehow even as the work spirals the other way its the damn upkeep! I am sick and tired of turning around every damn day to see something else that needs fixing or needs a specialist or needs money thrown at it. It really sucks! Some things would be fixable but it always comes down to one person doing all the work while all the others watch or sit around.. and that steams me to no end.

Soon.. all I can say is soon...

No time to get anything going photograph wise.. no time.. too sore... frustrated. What your gonna get is yesterdays shots a little modded. With a bit of explanation if I am able to do it.

 Alternate source for spark if you piezoe wont work.

Upright Cups.
 Where you thick those poles.

Fan Go.
Switches to make that fan start blowing. For some reason the gas is on.

Last but not least is this below.
Black helmet bag. if you really want one I have one for you. Really?

It was a day ending with Suck. It was almost a good day with Dions green chili turkey pizza but then... the suck hit.

Facebook banner and logo....

Good 7. Im done.