Friday, August 28, 2015

Andrews View

I have been sitting upon a cache of photographs that I totally forgot I had. Andy shot these during the 2014 Fiesta and they have sat on my drive. He was in town the other day and he gave his permission to use them.... Umm.. bad idea! I am.. and I diddled with them a bit.. Sorry.. I couldn't help it. Awesome shots and this is only the tip of the iceberg really. Andrew Dawdy's shots used in this evenings blog.

We both got this shot but he had the better spot in the basket.. next time Andy you get the left side. heh! The ponds were so nice below us. Too bad the damn light was buggy which keeps giving off bad light on the lily pads or far too dark on the water. Same happened to my shots.

Here are a few I grabbed that I liked because each one was where I was too busy to get the shot and Andy got it nicely. I will explain on each shot. There are many good things about being a crew member.

Ripples after a smooth splash and dash.. I rather like settling onto the waters surface and drifting along leaving a light wake... but a good BAWOOSH is fun too.

BAWOOSH! into and under and up... Andy got a good three set of this balloon kicking the silt up.

GATORS>> GATORS everywhere!!! Okay.. KAYAKS>> KAYAKS everywhere!!!! LOL... So much fun to visit with these guys.

ZK cutting through the trees on the edge of the river....or maybe over.. I cant tell... Eric has been know to play in both.

Dive Bomber! Andy got quite a few of this balloon crashing down against us from way above... Not a comfortable feeling when you are used as a brake... he still missed the river..and found a tree I think I remember...

Auto focus gets the frame instead of our uncomfortably close visitor. Balloons rubbing against each other happens all the time. Having one try to go through your side is not nice.

Here is a great shot of a comfortable rubbing... Or Kiss..... We cam along to this balloon.. he was at the same height as we were but we were both on intersecting courses... very funny that... we bumped along for quite a while.. both maintaining our height so that we didn't get wicker near envelope.. it worked but were we stayed in the slight wind stream he popped up to look for something better.. did a good job on disengaging too. Good Pilot.

Our eventual landing spot... That is a group of Rainbow Ryder passengers and crew plus the Pilot is there somewhere too... We were heading directly towards them and that fine table with champaign and orange juice... darned if we didn't get nudged off at the last minute and their crew caught us and set us nicely down. It was much fun.

I was working to keep up in that little air stream so camera was put away... lucky Andy. more to come and tomorrow I will put Andy's Photography site address up. I have mislaid it so I have to ask for it again.

35 days to go.. Tomorrow out to check everything out and then hopefully fly. Winds look like garbage but we will still go out since I have to sew my sensor back in.... fun times coming.

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