Wednesday, August 19, 2015


No commute today so we are going two thumbs up for the traffic. YAY!

Tomorrow I will have to brave it again. I think I can, I think I can, I think I can.....

Remember he movie .. damn.. wow... I was about to say it and it went right out of my head... what was that movie.. come on!

Its about a guy who never sleeps and he sees strange people and Kiefer Sutherland is in it and there is a beach and whats her name is in it too who was in Racketeer... Ill remember... Hang on a sec.. Have to reload and boot strap the zip drive memories...

Ah.. Dark City!!!!   Jennifer Connelly.... Yeah... Always did like her.

Thee in the middle of it is a guy who is in a room and he is or has drawn spiraling circles in and around everything.... This rock reminded me of that....

It was a good day of massive amounts of Linux. Wah.... My brain is gonna explode. Now I have to wait for a bit more and then can go play in traffic.

Tomorrows plan is to do things with things. Get things put away and move other things to places where their tags can be seen or no tag if that is what its all about. Nothing hard just time consuming and hot.

Nothing real exciting anywhere on the nets.. and the only shots I felt like editing were the facebook banner and some rock shots.. which are below.

pretty much assaulted with Gimp.. I wanted to do something nice with them and plan on it. I was just messing around here to see what  was doable. The petroglyphs is a good walk and there are quite a few that are not defaced yet. You just have to watch out for the Danger Noodles...

Facebook banner and log for the day are.....

A tough shot to edit. It was a pretty boring normal picture I took a while ago and it was sitting there. Some edits later is was in the place I could use for my banner.

Logo below also was a tight edit as it was the whole sign and this was just a little off angle bit I had to re skew. Then I removed the H from the black oval and added the PH and ran around it with some coloring tools. I think I should have edited the gray area where someone had scrubbed over the apartments portion. It might have looked better.
Going to work on getting those bows out too. Much could have been done if the original shot had been closer and clearer. I really have to get out and walk Central again but its not safe alone with a camera up to my eye.... okay.. its probably safe but I would feel better with a lookout.

Back up.. One Adam 12, One Adam 12.. See the man on Central and El Pueblo.....