Monday, August 10, 2015

The beginning of the week

I am glad I like the people I work with. It makes it so very easy to go to work on Monday. If I could remove the commute it would be a blast. Yeah there is a massive amount of insanity and frustration involved and yeah there are things that drive me buggy but dang nabbit its interesting. i spent a good two hours with two very knowledgeable people kicking around equipment control. Does that sound sad? It wast... It was quite animated and directional. We did go round and round a bit but that's on the order of function over security. We have more to talk about on it.

Tomorrow is going to bring more discussion and a ton of paperwork but event that I am looking forward to. I must be losing my mind. I need coffee though.. its getting harder to deal with just one travel mug. not like I need to caffeine but the hot harsh sweet taste ( maybe I should just spoon sugar in my face.. HAH! ) and a warm mug is nice. I dunno. I should also get a container of cran apple juice too because I can drink that all day. Oh.. I have research to do tomorrow too.. That's all good.

If I could live comfortably on my photography ability that would be nice... a commute of different levels. It might be a worse task master than regular work.. being out at all hours of the night and morning.. standing in cold damp places or hot dry places to get that perfect shot... naaa... I think I would rather my cool day job and keep the hobby for a hobby until I am too old and have to retire.

Now traveling is in the near future... Oh yes. I want to start enjoying some different places with still a home base to return to and capture things I want to capture too. I have lists... long lists. Even in Albuquerque I have lists of thins I want to shoot but either the time is wrong.. the light is wrong or the weather is wrong.. so whenever I do get out I have the camera with me just in case I happen across one of those listed things...

Today there was no time for no thing but the clouds.. so I went out and shot some clouds.. and the pond.. and a nice ladybug... I had to stop because the ants got me and I hate them.... hate hate hate.

The quality of the human eye is an amazing thing. Even with the megapixal stack I have the shots were not what I was seeing. I have to tone the colors back and try and pull some of the details of wisps back without overdoing that tome map grittiness. It was hard... but here are a few.

Stormin Norman.. or it will be soon.. Or maybe it will pass on by with a little grumbling. I know my damn weeds are happier than .. well weeds.... stupid weeds.

Its time to pave over the yard. Tarmac never had this much trouble. Oh.. I was going to call the city to ask about burning them where they stand... I have to do that. I do have an appointment for my balloon annual so that's a good thing. I really have to work that backwards to get some distance between it and Fiesta. hmmm... memo to self..

Facebook banner and logo were something I got lost on today... It was all over the place so I ended up with some odd edits.

Dang.. wrong number again!


Tons of fish if you can weigh fish in a pond.