Monday, August 24, 2015

Full Access!

A good thing today to get my access back. Stupid certificate error and I got to sit on my hands last week. Isn't it nice that the one thing that I have to depend upon and is required isn't always correct. Aint that special! The good things from today... Access, new computers being processed, new way to connect to remote sites, tomorrow is Tuesday and we get out hi speed net link in... if not turned up.

Bad things.... Not the commute amazingly... dont get me wrong.. the idiots have not gotten lost on the exit out of town.. they were just not seriously in my way today..both ways. Oh.. yes bad things.... Ugh!. trying to figure out winter leave and coverage.... ordering things for the office where you have to fill in so many blanks that I could have walked to the store and gotten it faster...I really hate web sites and I rarely ever go back to them that force me to sign up before I can buy anything.. I always send back a note stating that I care little for their tactics and will not use them in the future. I have at least that much choice. Other bad things were too many interruptions....too many things at once.... lots of paperwork to do.. now and tomorrow and the days leading up. Oh well... Its at least a good thing to do paperwork about. Looking forward to the 2016 fiscal year and what possibilities there are. Really ready to close out this year... I wanna pass that budget torch.

Other bad things... way tired of the localized mess I have to walk through and deal with everyday... Really really tired.... Biting my tongue very hard not to just open up the yap and close this s&#$ down.

Oh... I need to de-stress.....

Here are some so so tilt shift shots from last year....

Somewhat too small to really look good... Try try again. Tilts shifts should be at a specific height and angle from the subject and there is also the light and location.... Hard to get "just that right height" while flying..... Oh well...

I did notice that I had missed a lot of shots from last year.... I never edited or shower... Can we have another OH WELL!!!

Facebook banner and logo.. plays off the Survival Fiesta Map.....

Too early for Bugs.

Now off to get some ice cream.. close my door and stew in silence.