Saturday, March 1, 2014


"Sir?"..."Sir!" Being nudged awake is not the best feeling when you cant remember where you are. I expect assassins or the bent nose guys don't say sir in a sweet contralto voice. Cracking my eyes open shows us the red head has returned. "Sir, you fell asleep and wouldn't answer my knock, I was worried and entered, are you well?" I get out through gummy lips "Yes, thanks! Just tired." Stepping back a few feet she looks relieved. Did she think I was dead? Must have, the color is coming into her cheeks. " If you are well then I will just clean up this table and remove it. Pausing and then continuing, "We have the new in house plumbing service sir. In the bathing room. Its just through that door to the left of the bed. Its quite amazing." When was the last time I had a bath? Heck if I know, and with all the damage I've been running to and from I probably smell just wonderful.  I look up at her and see her sparkling eyes as she excitedly tells me " I can run a bath for you if you like, I've been shown how to go about it?" Who can say no to suck a cute water nymph.... not I! Hah... Like I have the strength.... "Please do I can barely get out before she quickly turns and rushes into the aforementioned "bath room". Massive Clanking can be heard!

Saturday!! SATURDAY!!! SATURRRDAY!!! Right here right now. Only the first 100 people will receive the grand prize of having the opportunity to go shopping for me! Yay!!! Wonderful news.

I did do the laundry so that's not getting to be a reward.. oh well... next time. I need a few things... Here is a list. TP, Milk, Coffee, Cheese and Strength. Now you respond by saying something with five words in it. Right, right. Spent the day mostly editing and processing pictures for printing. Guess what. I was able to get five shots edited and off to the printers. Now hopefully they will come back looking fantastic. I have my fingers crossed. It was a bugger to figure a way to do it. Then I messed around with some other shots just because they were there. Illl post those below.

I was surfing the net also today and found some pretty good things. I will post those first. Funny, thoughtful, crazy, weird.... check em out too.

Not my Dad but hay... I have had some very strange requests....

What can I say. If I could work from my house there might be months that I would never leave it.

And since where I live most drivers are numb from the neck up......they wouldn't get this.

Lists are a favorite of mine. There is a list sitting on my desk waiting for me on Monday of things to do. I like lists.

 Edit of a street sign. Quite nicely it came out.

 My favorite shot of the day, polerized cause I can.

 What is it?

Love the background but I have to sharpen the chrome.

Here is another list:

Very impressive.. but that's because I like lights.

Amazing we have moved forward so much...

If you have an Iphone and shake when you take pictures.. this is for you.

So no takers for the prize huh.. great.. make me do all the work.