Wednesday, March 12, 2014

It was a Crop Job.

Well, there is a bazaar going on. Baker street...that sounds familiar. Stockholders, Receipt, dividends....blah blah blah.. Oh.. well that makes my heart jump a bit. Balloon Ascents. From the grounds of the Chrystal palace. Oh well an Aeronautical Society. Why is that familiar or interesting to me. I think I will follow that up tomorrow. More pages..... flip flip, rustle rustle, Baths, Baptist churches... Baths... clang! So familiar. Almost heartbreaking familiar.. Why I had a bath.. nothing thought of there.. Bath.. not a bath bath perhaps a place. Is there a book or map somewhere. Hmm.. Close to tea time I expect.. Another quest for my very helpful maid. Elementary... or something like that.

I ching. Baffled. Very long meeting today. Very constructive and I am happy about it. I forwarded a lot of ideas and some were good and some were bad but I had to say them just to get them out there. I suggest, my Boss works with that. What he says goes and that's fine with me. I do ideas and justifications, he hones that and clarifies my thoughts. Not too bad. I am enjoying myself. I am a bit tired though. Not of work but not getting enough rest at night. Too much waking and too little deep sleep. I got off on time or a little after today and went to the store then home. I was dragging coming in. Now sitting and resting I can feel a little energy coming back.

I ran a few shots through the ringer last night and edited them for wide angle. No time to go shoot anything so I have to do this. Ideas and suggestions about. I was talking to our Science officer today about photography and such and she said her son heard about a photography get together for low light shooting. I wished I would have known. I would love to do that. So I asked for more info... Better to be in a group in the dark than by yourself. Here are the choices for today...

Sandia Glow

Morning Moon

Flaming Flight.


Rippling wake.

 On Wing.

All are nice for backgrounds on your computer. That's what I am going to do with them.

Something to look over if you have the time.

I so want to say hokum, just like those magnetic wrist bands to relieve arthritis.. but supposedly these seem to work.

So much weird information in here.. waaaaaaa

More oddly funny stuff...

Also cool and amazing shots....wooo  Good day for stuff.

Off to rest the brain and think of things I have not had the time to do in a week.