Tuesday, March 4, 2014

On The Ground.

Actually this is getting a little old…. Okay, my fingers are pruning up. Time to get out. Shaped, lathered, washed, no shave needed for some odd reason. Standard goatee is nice and trim still. Whisking a towel around and I wonder where I learned that from. I seem to have a program for drying off with a towel. First hair and head and face. Then shoulders, then draping one end of the towel over my opposite shoulder, each arm, then chest and down then upper legs and then lower legs and feet. So very strange. I have flashbacks to being a child… in a bathroom more modern than this one and swinging a towel around in my hands to dry off and knocking all sorts of things off the toilet lid, Ah… and a spank. Okay.. perhaps that's where the ritual comes from. Huh. Are these my memories? What little I have seem to me to be little pieces f a puzzle out in the middle of a huge floor. None snap together yet.

No time…. No time!! Busy day. Many small things that if you set them down seem easy to deal with but that they come in twos and threes makes for a hectic day. I did get out for a bit which was nice. But as soon as I came back in its nuts again. Well it was fun. It was different. I liked it. I have much more to do tomorrow. My drive is to get a spreadsheet done with purchases and all the data that has to be included in it so that it covers everything. I had a log but it was getting a bit messy. The spreadsheet is much more organized. I should be able to finish it up tomorrow. Then run some numbers.

I spent most of this evening working on the CB. Information comes in in bits and spurts and I have to add things here and there. No fixed place yet because I have had no time to set up the new system. Each page would be a separate entity with specific locations for each thing. Soon though. I did Some of the funny stuff.. not so funny stuff and outtakes.. Plus I goofed off with my phone camera for more shots for Facebook. After I tweak those I will use them for that and other things. We have a big Giant head thing going too. I dunno if we are going to make the mixer tonight. Stomach is in a very bad way. Ugh! Here they are…Plus 

Photoshop Funny.

This is a tear in my balloon Patturns In The Sky. It got hooked up on a chain link fence. Tears everywhere.
 One good repair station later...

Back in the air.. Granted this is it coming down. Big hole in the top! Hah! Crown.

Inside of 2nd Kiss. Pretty.

Inside of Kisses Of Fire. Very pretty.

This is a toughy. This is my new racer. I burned 8 panels on it on launch. Not that it stopped it from flying just fine. About a thousand dollars later, great support from Lindstrand USA and Aerco for the sewing it was good as new. Whew!

Me, laying down on the job. I was resting!!!

And L-i-n-k-s

Other than the links to meat and produce this would work fine. I like to squeeze things and meat… well…

Since I love photographs and this is Disneyland... had to…

Nice.. Tunnels… I can go spelunking in these without getting to stressed out about being trapped.

More information you might not have known. I knew most of it… you try…

And off to find some pepto bizmal.