Thursday, March 20, 2014

A small place.

Two cases.. Opening the doctors case first, heavy lifting out from under the bed. two straps and one hasp later. It opens nicely with a smooth flexing of the dark leather. Its full of sharp things. Shiny, clean and sealed in pockets and leather rolls. They almost looks completely new. Now, some have rub marks and slight usage wear. Huh. A Doctor? Do I believe that I am in a Doctors rooms or that I am a Doctor? Taking everything out which includes little bottles of interesting liquids and powders. hmmm... Solid heavy leather base and as far a it feels no space for any hidden pockets or places. That's a Bust.

Wow, Talk about a day going from just cruising down the blvd to hitting the raceway and punching the Nox in. That kind of day. Pretty amazing. Much more to do but all of it is interesting and well, so much my head might explode. Going to have to share this tasking with my coworkers and run with it.  It really is boggling. So many things to do and I want to do them all at one time. I have to make more lists and break a lot of things into smaller lists. I want to do it right now!!!.... LOL...

Since its hard to sit still its hard to edit anything. So what your going to get is more tilt shift as I get a kick out of doing them right now. There are a lot of shots you have probably taken that would work great. I love adjusting real time shots for odd looks. I did that with my pano of the City Wacky. It turned out pretty darn good. Funky, deep, bowlish... You will see below. I will post the original and then my edit... Enjoy.

The City quiet and brown.
Three shot pano at 12 meg pix per panel.

Tilted for the pretty flowers.

Peering upward.
Tilted straight up.

Shifted and looks good.

Albuquerque Plaza
Nice and quiet and cool even in full summer.

The 505
 Toned, tweaked and twisted... even before I edited it.. I love this view.

Now for something completely different. 

I like the prawn and rat...

Along with the loss of radio to television.. sad that....

So impressive... Even the old war of the worlds could only dream of this.

Nifty and cool. 

Yeah with that I have to do some work at home.. but its all good.