Friday, March 28, 2014

Fonts of tomorrow!

Why would I want to forget my name. Why, why why! What would cause me to want to forget everything? Well, right in front of me is a possible conduit even if I am talking to a book that write me back quickly. Funny book of poems. Okay. First things first. Quietly as I sit my fronts back in a chair before I fall down, "Book! How can you do what your doing and do I call you book, poem book, the book of irrational insanity? What? Watching the page, The poem lettering is bleeding off the page. Trickling down to the bottom.

Pretty fun day at work. I must have been an accountant in a past life. I do like making excel forms of numbers and numbers and calculations and more numbers. I have four just for one thing. One is a list of purchases, one is a list of purchases aligned with its task, one is a list of things to purchase aligned with the purchasee and task, and the last one is a list of computers in the office and which are super old and need to be replaced. I did that one today. I also created a connection diagram for a matrix multiplexer system for our situation awareness displays. Its awesome and very techy. A good day..

On the photography line its been poopy. I want to go shoot but its either too windy or too dusty outside to get anything. Maybe tomorrow I will go out and balloon with friends and then get some pics taken. I did go back over some car shots and clip them for multi monitor size. Just a few at this time. Still have to figure out the border thing.. so.. here check these out.

Camero 350


Golden Camero

Chevy Duex

All but the 350 are clear enough for a large screen set up. I have to do some for three screens. There are some good programs that will allow you to control two or three screens at a time and spread across them. I do every use standard wallpaper on my computers. I like to use my own. Its more fun and I find them much more interesting. Now off to get some links and then eat...

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1. How you are going to control the govt using a font when you cant control them with your money... sigh.

I like it! Way cool.... and clear.. looks like clear snot... hahahahahaa

Kick arse photography and stuff... way super cool...

Hahahaha... such foolishness... funny though.. good way to start the weekend.!BMNKG

Or you can waterproof your blue suede shoes... your choice...