Friday, February 28, 2014

Warm weather.

Youch.... Stomach has registered drink and juice and has no idea what to do with them! Growl!! Easing my poor abused rear section into the very nicely stuffed chair in front or a well stoked fire and hot fresh food... I could stay here forever...... Delicious eggs. The egg cups look to be porcelain and tilling it over without losing the dead shell has a marking for 1842 in blue and a makers stamp I cant make out. 1842...huh.. looks like new. Dabbing up the remaining yoke in the other egg and satisfying my baser nature by dolloping on the jam onto slightly browned toast.. ahhh..... There isn't so grand a feeling as a full stomach. I could almost pass out with all the blood my stomach is using to process the broken fast. No.. not falling asloop... aslee........

Day Fri! Done! I always want to start sentences with... "It was a dark and stormy night" But since it was a morning Ill start it with... It was a cool dawn with pink and baby blue clouds on a darkened sky. Slight rays developed as I ran the Ram up in gears and towards I 40 and certain traffic. Thus is the life of a West Siiieeedder! Cross the Rio Grande and Cross again on the way home. Only two instances of Numbness above the neck. One on merging into I 25 southbound traffic was a loon who wanted to be where I was but he wouldn't slow down and kept trying to get ahead of me instead of behind me as I merged into his lane. Weird. The other was an out of towner who didn't know you can turn Right on a red light if no traffic is coming. Sigh. Got some more shopping done. more to do. Did get some stuff set up but ended up chasing a voice over IP phone problem.. I fixed it too! So home an hour late. Oh well.

I am going to put up a few more shots from Vaughn that I really liked. This was not my first visit here nor hopefully my last. I just went into the shooting match with an idea to capture what was illusive before. It helped that the sun was lower in the sky and not bleaching out everything. Even now I can see things I had wished I had framed better. I really hate cropping post shot. I would rather sit there and try to get what I thought was worth the time and not crop just tone than be cropping everywhere. Cropping is fine when your trying for a specific effect but overall its better to frame when you shoot.

 Great frame on this one. Shot number 30 on this.

 Doorways always catch my eye.

 Need to go back in and clean this one up.

Ghostly Moon.
 Full shot of the moon.

13V186 1/2
 Love the 1/2

Another door I dare you to go through.

The Right Place.
At the right time. Wonderful.

Now that I have stood in the weds behind that fence and smiled because the sun was just right and very warm....


My thoughts first. Yes.. but it wont be we... It will be those in power and control of the banks who will destroy us in their greed. Its always like this. The powerful think they have the right to everything on the backs of the people and destroy in their slimy scum sucking reality.


Delving into the dual world shots.

Im all for relaxation... The more the better the toasty the nicer....

I really like Japanese soaking tubs.. but you would never get me out!