Sunday, April 12, 2015


One step or two forward. Okay...maybe three. I have to remember to ask my go between for the address of his supplier so that I can see if he can help me out. He has a great pin company that has taken his pencil drawings and made some good pins out of them. I am going to have to talk directly with these people to get my idea across.

Yeah he has had a few pins made and was been very happy with them. Mine are a bit more complicated in design and how I want them executed but it should be possible.. I hope. Well we shall see. At least its getting closer to being done. Too much noise here to do more.. just jangling my brain.

I did complete another three envelope break down design for my wall. I think I like this one a lot too. It came from these three drawings..

Fun working out the 24 panels without referent. Then matching the circle gradient. But it all came out nicely.

Spun together it like like this....

Now that that is done I went and moved it to the main pin and outlined it. That was harder since the back color was white and the pin is gray ( silver ). But it turned out well too... A snapshot of it so far... part of it at least.... can't give it all away.... and I don't know if its going to end up this way anyways.

A quick shot of the gore positioning.

What am I going to do with this.... where what how. Ideas?
Hmmmm Hmmmmmmmmm Hmmmm........

See there is a limitation to detail I can go into. Another parameter I cant know if the win maker can go to. GOing to have to send a wire frame version and see if  its possible. THe other set will have to wait until this is done... and I had another thought....

Oh.. okay.. Ill have to go and think about this one....

Here is a funny from the webs...

Also my facebook banner and logo for the day. The number is next to impossible to find unless you have an certain ability.

Crew Winds.. day 173

Logo funny...

And a funny funny...