Friday, April 17, 2015

Return Again.

Alright. Friday and I am home. Had to be in Ft. Worth for the week. It was very educational and illuminating. I met people I have talked to for years but have never met face to face. Excellent people every one. I wish it had been longer and I really wish I could have stayed over the weekend..  No this weekend but a weekend.. reasons for that were many fold.... told below.

No. not the bar... THere was a gymnastics tourney starting and the place was starting to overflow it people for that as we were trying to skip town.

I didn't get to take as many pictures as I hoped but most of the days we didn't get out until after 5pm and it was overcast 3.5 of 5 days. I did get a lot of shots I will work on and there was the one and a half good days. Much to show you.

Amazing place is this part of Ft Worth. Its massive period buildings and the cleanliness and friendliness.. oh and the free drinks at the Embassy Hotel. Yes.. Very nice. Not that I had but one or two small drinks but it was very nice. I too easily go to sleep after one that I never do more.  There was even a starbucks half way between the hotel and the convention / meeting center. Three blocks total. Nice walk. Sad that my stupid sciatic kept acting up.

First day was a half day. The flight out of Albuquerque was delayed for two hours due to weather in Dallas and also the people on the plane decided to get off and hand to be rounded up.. which made a less than hour wait turn into the two. DFW airport is insane. Transport to the hotel was round about but got there. I missed very little as I had tried to get the earliest flight out. Hotel was cool as it had one of those round poofy couches in the middle of the foyeur and smelled nice, fresh flowers, clean shiny floors and again, period sconces, lights, chairs, it was like going back to the 1930s / 50s.

Classy, classy, classy.

There was even a pool on the 5th floor! Yes 5th floor!! I didn't get in. Never had time. Voom there.. Voom here....

Here are a few of the shots of the massive amount of shots...

The Courtyard Hotel.
 Nifty huh!. I was on the 11th floor, this side middle. Great view but the windows were not clean so shots from it were iffy.

Blind Scat.
 Down a blind alley was this cool neon sign. From one of the guys who was at the workshop with me it was very smooth. I didn't get a chance to go but maybe next time. The doorway was an elevator going up. Totally cool!

So much excellent architectural designs and so little time. Loved the uplights on this. I took a few and this isnt as in focus but I loved the framing. I will work on the others to get them better later.

I am tired after all the talking and information overload and the travel. I am going to sit in my zombie chair and vegimatate for a while. Maybe look at some of the other shots. I do have to send off the shot of our group I took this yesterday. Each and ever person there had an amazing history and while we sat there visiting during and after the day was over there was far too much to absorb. I am a crazy person for knowing people and their life. More so certain people.. but some are so interesting I really start bugging them. These guys love telling stories so it was great to sit back and relax and listen to them tell you what they are all about. Most have military in their backgrounds.. not all.. but most... and a lot have masters degrees or are damn smart... I feel like the new kid on the block and I really am.. I am just starting out where they have been around for years. Lots to learn still.

My facebook banner and logo for the day.

 One of our nice highway signs with the added 168 day. It was fun editing the 168 in there from nowhere.

Compass rose as my logo... A pretty nice one.

Okay.. off to rest my fingers... Enjoy your Friday evening.