Thursday, April 30, 2015

How to rest.


With dogs who want to go out all the time and bark at shadows I am not sure this resting thing is working. I am pooped! Maybe I should just have gone and laid in bed and closed the door. I didnt.

I sat in my chair with my Lindstrand (TM) hehehe blanket over me and shivered. Feet and hands freezing... everything else boiling... but stomach is fine. Head though is wobbly as all get out and prone to heat and fuzzyness. I am not looking that up on the nets.

I did sit here and surf when I was not able to doze. I found a few things interesting. I wonder if anyone tracks what tech google and other tech monopolies are absorbing, buying, sneaking away with.... and why.... I would like to know. I, as I traveled back and forth through tech web sites saw patterns of buying of little companies that did certain things... ya just gotta wonder.

I again just deleted four paragraphs of soapbox.

I hope you are happy. Why should I bring you to feeling as bad as I do.

Sad bit really is I can't do some of the work I wanted to do at work.. yes.. I like my work.... and the other is I can't fly this weekend if this thing hangs on. And my hands are numb.... yay!

Some hopefully happier images.

Found some old pictures I scanned a while ago.. front and back.. nicer times it seems and the styles of the clothing... I like a lot.... And my mother's handwriting.....

Look at that comfortable formality.

The reverse..
 My mother a good one for notes.

My Mothers Father and Mother... And their cats. Even relaxed, well dressed and groomed.
 Sorry.. I am in sweats and a t shirt at the moment. Times change. I would never wear a clean white shirt out to garden but then again I never saw or remember seeing my Gran Pops out but he probably did. I should ask my mom sometime.

The back writing is as interesting as the front picture.. which this is not the back of the last but loved the myriad notes. 1948.....

I expect it was a high time as the war had just ended in 1945 and the upswing in industry and a bright future... My Mother was twelve in 1948 so she got to witness the bombing in London where they lived for a while... Such a division of realities.

We have it too good it seems at times.
No local wars ( within borders ), information at a touch, plentiful food.... 

Mind has wandered everywhere again... Enjoy your life!

Completely and totally forgot the facebook banner and logo... sheesh.. I am feeling like garbage still and its 9pm and my eyes are burning.. but ..for you I will edit!

Roswells Old Timers Rally is this weekend.. another thing I will be missing... (*^*$$)

Logo says it all.