Tuesday, April 28, 2015

A good talking to.

Okay.. not so good but hopefully okay. I had a presentation to give tonight at AAAA. I thank them for asking me to speak. I rambled terribly. But I love these people. They put up with me even when I couldn't keep the mike to my mouth. Oh well.. I did enjoy it a lot. Much information on Videography and vid cams and such.. music and mounts and all that. It was a good time but I cant speak publicly.

I talked about GoPro cameras, mounts and software.. showed a video and a bit of another. Great questions and I have a lot to write up for the Cloudbouncer to fill in the spots I left open. It was a great end to a rough day. What bothers me about today is that I do the work.. I send the emails with attachments and I get asked again with the information is... Im like.. did you even LOOK at your email? Did you even check the attachments before you whined about it to someone? WHat do I have to do.. follow up call to ask if you have opened up the email I set and were you able to understand how to open an attachment? Please? I am going to put a note on my desk that says... : Every email MUST be verified that it has been received before its read. From now on I am going to set a receipt to all my email. I really am tired of being told people didn't get the information. That or I am going to add a last line that says.. Please reply that you received the information or it will be resent within 24 hours until it is verified. Heh!

What a waste of my time.

I did get a nice view of the Fiesta Park from the Balloon Museum while waiting for the meeting to start. Shots from my Samsung Note 4 below. I say that so you know what I took the pictures with. Not any.. wooo.. its a Samsung thing.. as I don't care about that but as reference.

The Sid.
 The building there is the new Pilot center for Fiesta. It is named for Sid Cutter a world renown balloonist. Its nicknamed the Sid already. They will use it for all sorts of other things year round.. pretty cool!

Museum Views
 Looking East at the Sandias... wonderful vista views from the back balcony.. its amazing.

Yes I was stopped and yes I took a picture... Nothing moved for about five minutes after I took this.. lol... Fast moovin!

Whew.. what a day again... its Tuesday right? Dang! Tomorrow I have meetings and deep information to get .. thank goodness its with people who are nice to be around.

My facebook banner today is a edit of the Sid and the side..hahaha....sorry.. its late.

Day 157


Yes.. I like them... I used them...

Have a great rest of your night and hopefully tomorrow will be a better day with less backstabbing and lack of understanding.
