Thursday, April 16, 2015


Yep... late.. What was going to a be a quick visit with work friends turned into a later than usual night. The only save from it all was that we ( four of us ) bailed after dinner. It was a very close thing.

Really it was a good time to visit with coworkers and really get to know each other. Some we had met before and some we were meeting for the first time. It was a very good time. We even had a bachelorette party and the next set o table over which became very novel as the bride to be started opening presents and hoisting up furry red bras and such. The applause from the table I was at was quite loud. The ladies took it in well and in the end the bride to be ( tomorrow ) came over for a group picture. It was quite a bit of harmless fun.

Got a tour of our headquarters today and it was very nice until my leg gave out all of the sudden. So much fun trying to stay of the floor in front of our department heads. Oh well. Its not really my fault and it was passed over but I felt red. Damn sciatic.

More to follow....

Shots I thought worthy of posting tonight. I will really get to the others tomorrow and this weekend.

 I think a little more tweaking and this will be nice for a background.

 Lights everywhere but little safe time to take pictures of them,

 Wall of Ivy
 Sunlit from above and nice shadows below.

Sol Lamp
One lamp in the trees with little lights all about.

It was pretty good. A few quick selections. When I have time to go through all the shots Ive taken over the last four days I will post them.

My facebook banner for the day and logo.

Mornings rippling waves
 Love this shot where its deep blue and them the ripples of the heated air breaking up the mountain.

Lindstrand UK has shuttered its doors due to a financial thing. Lindstrand USA is the strong active fully operational branch Stateside. Go Lindstrand!

Off to ned and much things to do and talk about with you tomorrow.

Oh.. Got a very nice email today which will take some consideration. Its just damn nice.