Thursday, September 12, 2013

Voice not hands. Another day.

Or Daze!

Worked from 0640 to 1645 today. I try and show up early to prepare for the day and invariably someone is waiting or something is happening that I have to deal with. So I start my day at 0645 and end it when I am too tired to work more or stuck and cant go farther. Some days are smooth but most are extremely hectic. Today was a hectic day. Again. BUT. THINGS WERE ACCOMPLISHED! yay!

We have some All In One computers now. They are for our operations staff. Nice and compact with a 23 inch screen. Not touch screen. That would be terrible. And as much as a tablet is nice with touch screen. Try moving your arms all day to open and close windows. Ouch. Thinking about that leads me to those big screens with touch. Stupid! Voice controlled would be much better. And least wearing. Add a head mounted mic and you could whisper your commands. Like. If I was on my computer at home. They commands would be prefaced with "Home 1" ( name of my computer in users / control panel ) open Chrome Browser / Open favorites / Open you tube / search for Silly Cats on Ice Gifs. Not flinging your arms about or moving a mouse. Should be flippen easy to do. A learning system is possible too. Having your favorites all ready coded.. As in... Home 1: Facebook opens your facebook page. Or Home 1 find people slipping on ice videos. And you could have hot words... Pizza! Opens up your browser accesses your favorite pizza place enters your favorite pizza order and orders it. Ta da... hot pizza! One word or HOTWORD. Hotword : UUBERwipe! Clears all your browser history, cookies, and tracks then ticks off a thermite charge on your hard drive... hahahhahahahaa...  It could work with all sorts of programs. If you edit pictures it would be nice to key all the processes into one hotword. Editpolar does all the steps to create a polar. Editwide, edits for parameters of a wide shot. I can think of many more applications too.. I may have to pursue this with all that time I have........

Some un hotword edits for the day... enjoy!

I see you!

Dawns Delight.

Tree trippin.

Solo Skies.

Natural Selection.

This last one is my favorite for the day. Getting the cut somewhat on line was hard. But it turned out okay.

I am going to get rid ( give away after a wipe and a reload ) this computer ( HP ) it needs a new video card and some more ram. It is good for standard surfing and editing but for heavy stuff I am doing now it takes forever to process. I am going to use the screen attached to my tablet as it hauls butt when processing video and photographs.. go figure. Plus it will clean up all the clutter this big computer has. Make it little clutter. LOL


As much as I dislike the amount of Cat stuff on the internet.. and I believe its a cat conspiracy, this was funny.

This is everywhere and close to me as its balloons and flying and fun.. but here.. in case you missed it!

An amazing melding of yikes shots and today shots.  History too!

Oh... and this is what you have to deal with at any emergency room when you're really sick.

I'm off to look at more funny gifs.