Monday, September 2, 2013

Short Week on the way.

Cant believe the weekend is almost over. Monday was my day to get some things cleaned up but that fell through when I found my front right tire flat. So locating a compressor and filling it up.Disconnected the trailer, flipping the truck around to put the front tires on the pad. Started checking for nails or whatever.. nothing... but I could hear a hissing sound. Decided that getting it down to Sams club as quick as possible was the smart idea. Getting down there and losing about ten pounds of air on the way and amazingly enough was served right away. Sadly the tire was beyond help. At 50,000 plus miles I knew they might go out soon.. but this soon>???!! Seems that across three pads of the tread were cracked into the interior. Crap! So now, 450 dollars later I am waiting for the tires to be delivered. I left my rim and old tire there with them and they put my spare on to get me home. Hopefully Wednesday I will have two new tires on the front. Not sure I feel comfortable leaving my rim down there but its better than the back of my truck out front for two days. Not too happy about forking out 400 bucks this close to Fiesta but better than it going out on the road during Fiesta! Half a dozen of one six of my empty wallet. LOL.

Oh, by the time I got home it was too late to do anything else and the fire ants had decided it was time to party on the Bball court.. Ah well. Since I was stuck I widened some shots. Just misc here and there. I selected these five for their nice look.

Funny that its "Boots and Bonnets" day!

The last one is my favorite for the day. Power Glide with a Safety Star. You get ff with a warning when pulled over with those. LOL

Links for the night. Don't expect much.

This site has been worth the trouble to click the "GO" button. I am still digging through it and there are some fun and cool things here.

They still are spying on you you know...

So much possible fun in all this crazy building and psycho control.

Do not park your plastic car near this secret weapon...

And sadly...

Sigh... No other good Authors are allowed to move on... do not pass go.