Saturday, September 7, 2013

The Golden Hours

For a lot of photography the golden hours are the hour starting from dawn and the hour before sunset.

Most times this is an excellent time to shoot pictures. The saturation is nice and the pictures look full and deep.

With the processing in the DSLRs now its easy enough to fake it. When you would rather not have that saturation as in this morning you can edit it out. Unfortunately that takes time. I spend too much time editing now.

The problem I run into in tone mapping is the program does not like that saturation. Add that to a zoom lens and you get a graduation color shift. It is something I really hate. Oh well. I did get a lot of good shots today crewing for the "Bob" with one O. Not many of him because I was crewing but a lot of everyone else. The tops shots so far today are below. Run through tone mapping then edited for the wide view. They look fantastic at full size.

KKisses prowls.



Get Er Up!

Ecstatic Smiles.



For most of the shots today I stayed with the photograph setting. Some like the last were paint 1. I was trying to shoot framed, wide, and possible polar shots at the same time. Crazy really.

I did get my shopping done, balloon fueled, truck and fan fueled and trailer sorted as well as edit a bunch of shots from today and eat a bacon sandwich! All in all a productive day. Tomorrow we get to sort out my envelope and maybe fly.

Lets keep it short tonight.

Happy Bottom Riding Club.. nuff said.

Radio. Do you listen anymore? I do. But not often.

Keep America Private. What happened to keep the govt out of my house and off my body? Or something like that.

And this is all Blast From The Past.

I was too bored with the TV show ideas.. for now.