Thursday, September 19, 2013

Friday!!! Damn! t h u r s d a y.... Arrrrrcrap!

And here I thought it was Friday... Damn damn damn damn damn.

Twice today I got caught in the its Friday day... yay....

Right now I am happy there is a Friday tomorrow because I have a lot to do still this week... and next week is going to be a super freakin long week... There is a lot to do and none of it is real easy to do. Not hard process but hard long, convoluted and page after page of data entry. I think I will try and do as much as possible on Monday thru Wednesday in case something comes up Thursday or Friday, then I can jump right on it.

On top of that is prep for Fiesta. Everything but cleaning is done with the system. Its the house work and outside work that is not done. Its been too hot and now that its getting cooler there isn't much time left. Bah!

Ran some wide shots today. It was a break from Polars. These are a lower resolution so the crop is a little more severe. They still look nice.

Patturns In The Sky. A Blast.

2nd Kiss Ripples.

Corona Extra Dry.

Aerostar Sky.

The Lost Room Bus Ticket End Of The Road Not Anywhere Near Gallup But Cool None The Less.

Rising Storms.

Over the Top.

Going to have to work on the pano shooting in the near future. I have a few scattered around but its hard to frame a pano of three shots in a specific amount of time. Especially when flying a balloon.

Oh.. if your in town and want to help me transfer some envelopes and clean and condition a basket drop on by... lol.. Nothing like hauling it out and vacuuming all the dirt and rocks... wiping everything down...conditioning the it all down.. putting it all back together and then back in the trailer. Yeah baby.. awesome... Its better than white washing a picket fence!

I'll be waiting!

Here are some fascinating links... okay.. maybe not that fascinating... but interesting... well... something....

Since its talk like a pirate day... here is a link to what they usually ate... I am going for the malox...!jMY0c

I use Winamp to play my music on my computer. This link asks what you like but then gets off on the  storage of your music files....

Yeah.... one fax machine.. sure Wilbur.

Looks wonderful with all that polish but still like the Spitfire more.

I'm off to read about commas.... Oh yeah baby!