Sunday, September 8, 2013

Shot processing.

An interesting thing happened today while processing photographs from RAW to .JPG. The JPGs sucked.

I have to try and process them on another computer to see if it is this computer or the program or the process. It just started and I had thought it was because I was zooming in and the quality was reducing because of that.

I do hate this wishy washy problem. And its late, and I do not have the time to fiddle with it now, and when can I find the time to search it out. Bah!

Here are a few from today. I will put one JPG that shows the levels after mapping and how it looks when you take a RAW file and tone it.

From this mornings flight. If you look close you can see the graduations. And the little spots are dust on the lens. Pretty dirty but there was a lot of dust filtering down from the envelope.

This shot was toned directly from a RAW file. Much better.

This was a direct from RAW so there was no graduations but much more dust and what seems to be zoom lens on the upper corners.

And another with that corner problem and dust.

I have to find the time to clean the camera and figure out why I have this corner problem. Lots of dust out there. Going to also have to process some more from the files. Time.. how bout 28 hours in a day? Work 8 and have 20 to get things done?

Time flies when your having fun.... truth.

interesting links today.. few but interesting.

Dedication, Smart and I like clean rivers.!izr7c

i've harped on this over and over again and a writer even did a short story on it. Quit with the Remakes AKA Reboots! Get a real fresh idea! Yawn. I wint even go into how lame this stuff is.

Ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch!

I think the human population as a whole has specific amnesia! Its specific to each person in their minds time. Looking back at this tragic times which if you consider their ability to connect to anyone outside their local area at the time and tragic situations and now where the information gets out to everyone quickly and help pours in... We are wimps today. Plus the photography of the incidents then are amazing and sad. I think half of the shots today would be on facebook and say.. " Oh.. I had to eat at McDonalds three days in a row because my power was out. Granted I probably whine the most.

Enough caterwauling!


  [kat-er-wawl]  Show IPA
verb (used without object)
to utter long wailing cries, as cats in rutting time.
to utter a similar soundhowl or screech.
to quarrel like cats.
noun Also, cat·er·waul·ing.
the cry of a cat in rutting time.
any similar sound