Tuesday, September 10, 2013



This afternoon we had our broadband wireless link installed. Granted I got very wet, and I twisted my back, and they have to come back tomorrow because the dish is  a little low...BUT WE HAVE BANDWIDTH!

My head was a total impacted pain today. I have to have some sort of sinus virus going on. Then there's the rain! They are saying in the office that its going to be today, tomorrow and the next day of rain. I had to wipe down everything below the roof access twice already. Roadrunner Wireless is the company that we went with. It will greatly help our very tight level we have been strangling with for years.

I am surprised but also understanding of the level of person in our office that they do not stream or torrent stuff. They all are pretty conscious of our limitations. Hopefully that will not change in the future. I don't think it will. Now if we could get that Barcalounger in my cube......

I have yet to hunt the interesting down on the net today so I will go off and do that then come back and post what I have found .. if I find anything. Look at these shots while you wait....

Hope you liked those.

Links...... .   .

This I know of because of Tim Powers. Declare among others... Probably the only reason i would go to Paris.


And a word to my ...certian... boarder..... and I dont mean the dog.


I still dont get why the jails are not overflowing with senior govt officials.. When I was in they would have been so fast....Times they are a changing and more corrupt!


Another cool and interesting photography subject! I wish but then again.. I don't... I like it right here.


Off for some food in my face... Hope your having something yummy.