Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Subject to modification

Momma Feelgood's

In thinking of today's "day", I've come to the conclusion that it was a good one. Dave and I swapped out a router. Dave did the honors of powering it up and I stuck some cables in it. He also removed the old one for return shipping and perhaps a new life elsewhere. I drove my desk most off the day… flinging myself from travel to property to requests and calls and emails. It all worked. Looking at my calendar in May, June had few major things on it. Now has turned into a busy time. I like busy, but steady busy. Headed off to the store after. I am at a point on the property that my eyes won't focus past a certain time so its drop it and pick it up tomorrow. It depends on the day. Tomorrow there are a bunch of things going on so I may be running around and also flying the desk. No biggie. More things happened but they are mundane.


Messing with photographs and trying out the black and white threshold with color brushed in is fun. Limiting but fun. I went into a “what am I doing mode” last night. I was working on the CB and then I was not…. Where the train jumped the tracks I have no clue. I will run off and do some more of the BWTC's later and then post them here. Its funny how I thought that editing pictures was a boring thing and that if I took the shot right there was no need of any editing…. Fool am I. Even though most editing is to get the shot balanced, there is also minor crops you might want to get the right center, also you may want to border and label your shots. I have started this with the shots I like the most. If I think its so so… it gets no border…. Or if I think it need more help, no border. Look below.

Blended colors.

Spirited Colors.

Dawns Coloring's.

Wicker Colors.

Ala Coloring with Denny's crayons.



Makeup testing free of actually applying it.

And that's why I have no IKEA furniture in my house!

New York…. Needs new leadership at the top but someone has a thought.

So pestered into making a choice to say **** it.. or more likely…. Flinging hands in the air and just going along with it until it trips up,.I thank my hosts and head out…. John mentioning a fĂȘte going on a few counties away to the South West. Lillian appearing to give me a package of snacks. Maybe a few more muffins as there were quite a few still in the oven when this all started. The weather when stepping out and shaking hands and paws was brisk but comfortable with what I am wearing. And off I head down to the lane and generally in the direction I need to go. “I had a mule, her name was Sal…” What the next like… its a trudging song…. Hmmm….