Wednesday, June 11, 2014


How the weather changed today. Nice and hot to blowing nuts and fruits. Okay.. mostly nuts. Store stop on way home and then hide. Putting things on hold, being on hold, waiting for further information. It was a quiet day. Nothing going on.. move along..move along.

Its waiting... but its probably going to have to wait longer as this weekend is going to blow... hard.

It mildly interesting that my surface runs so much better than my desktop computer. You can access or watch it zip past its huge brother.. thumbing its nose and sliding into home. All of a half inch thick.  Silent in its repose on my desk. Thin keyboard and blade track ball beside it. ust waiting with a black jack to attack when your no looking. Just try turning your head. Oh.. and being out in the field without my floppy. Hat got me a nice sunburn around my neck which is driving me to distraction. Along with this sinus thing that is causing my no end of strange hassles… I think its time to hide in the house.. build a pillow fort and not come back out for a week.

I did …almost stay on track last night editing. I tried one fully creation that came out okay but lacked grittiness. Frustrated with that I went and selected two to fully edit and a few edits to do tonight. I will try and get those done into poster versions before I close the blog. I could get off track again so beware.


If you must….. sigh…

Watch what you wish for. Just like the law that was supposed to reign in Cable providers which now is used to charge us more for less…

Time to leave the planet!

Excellent diversions…

And so on.. and so on.. Problems are when you try to change to a different editor..and all your shortcuts do other things..oops!

Bounding away.

Getting my banger on a stick! Stick! Its a nice looking sausage… and if I sit on this nice tree stump off to the side I can get out a muffin and make a muffin sausage sandwich! I can see that the watchers have not move as much s changing position slightly to not look like they are looking… Rather funny when you can see it. Like sore thumbs. The men are keeping the woman sighted but not at the same time. They may be working together. The woman… Frumpy is what I think comes to mind. Frumpy.. maybe 60 or so or bloated like a whale.. Nothing against whales or frumpy people.. just a shift of her bulky coat one way and a nudge or a gloved hand there, Hat tilted and covering what the scarf isn't. Hard to see her face with the shadow of the hat…. Its one of toes amazing hats that look like a chicken has sat on your head… Not yet laying anything…. But close…. She is now moving off a bit to sit on the edge of a stage where I think the bearded lady is to show soon… I am looking at the painted list off times for the shows.. and back to my saumuffin. Tasty that…. Carousel is chiming to the end of its song… Ch'ing-a-ling-lingggg……