Thursday, June 5, 2014

Shorting to ground.

Looking at the lists I kept creating I kinda wonder about the old saw that when you are married your supposed to share all the chores 50/50. Every time I hear from guys I know its always reported that it never happens. Women complain that their guy never does housework or helps around the house. What they never tell you is that the 50/50 split is “house work”, dishes, vacuuming, laundry and such.. What most women never enter into the equation is all the bloody skut work that isn't in that forgotten section. Guys are changing oil in cars or taking them down to get it done and washing them, plus the yards and grass and general crap including pulling weeds, moving rock, fixing lights, tarring roofs, painting…. The list goes on and I didn't even bring p the “hay honey, the washing machine broke…. Sorry your just sitting down after working outside but….. The reality is that Men ( generally ) do 80 % of all work of a marriage. Yeah.. squall all you want.. its true. So hard to throw laundry in a washer and sip coffee in the cool/warm house while waiting to fling it in the dryer. The funniest thing Ive heard lately is a guy moving gravel to cover a large area of the yard… we are talking like a 150 by 150 square area. He is raking, shoveling, hauling, spreading all this and his significant other shows up, puts too shovel fills into the wheelbarrow and say.. wow.. look how much work we've done! At this point I would put my shovel down and walk away.

Myself.. I do my own wash and folding and I do dishes and vacuum…. I hate weeds.. I hate grass, I hate rocks, I hate piles of junk. The amount of time spent keeping up appearances for the people who don't live in your house is ridiculous. Some people get a kick out of showing off or just being proud of their yards…. Yeah… No…. Not interested in it at all. I prefer a nice internal home. I have no reason to show off nor garden to make pretty flowers. No my thing. If you enjoy it.. more power to you… glad you like it. Come do mine. HAH! What it all boils down to is, really look at that split before opening your mouth. I plan on buying a condo so I have no exterior responsibilities. If I want some flowers I can grow them in pots. Grass.. the park, Rocks, trails in the Sandia. If you can pry me from my house…. What a high soapbox.

PS.. yes I know there are some who do do 50% of the chores. But you never hear them. They are enjoying their efforts. I am so tired of listening to the squealer’s. Tired of the gold digging on both side and the total marinara way some people go about things, from finding a person to marry who has lots of money so they can do and spend like ….. sigh… Sometimes I can look and say at least these peoples would die first if things crashed.  Me.. Id be fine… Build a little shack and enjoy it. hahahahahahaha…. That was all very funny. Don't think I am singling out women. I know a few that are completely self supporting and well able to take care of themselves, even in disasters. There are some Uuber Men out there that I would not let near a hammer for fear they would bury the claw in their faces first time they tried t hit a nail.

Last night was a zombie night. Could not get the brain to turn over. I did a few edits but I was not into it. I did get the CB closed up and shipped out for verification. I should have it compiled and sent out for print very soon. Hopefully I will feel like editing more after. This weekend is going to be full of that outside work I detest. I am not looking forward to it and I can't even burn the weeds since there is a no burn protocol out now. I need a weed puller. No.. one that I don't have to help with. Bad enough I have a porch that needs to be cleared.

The only fun thing I can think of is getting a new pond for the fish and plants. Yes.. I like the sound of waterfalls and all. If I didn't have a pond now I would not have a pond. Since I do and I can't kill my fish I am going to create a pond that is as maintenance free as possible.

Off I go!

Albuquerque Balloon Museum

Target Fixation.

Cameron Close Call.

Three Sets Of Eyes.


One think I think I will work on… A modular house is not a easy to build if you have to set a foundation and pipes and all. There has to be a way of not doing that part…. Yes.. trailers don't.. but most have slabs.

Guess its not so secret.

Love the idea.. hate the designs.

And talking about those that will die first if the world crashes…

Have fun with that….

A rabbit on the side of the road…. “Hi rabbit! You're not a carrier of mixamtosis are you?” No… as it orbs off to steal someone's carrots… heh. Feels good to move the legs and no while looking over the shoulder. A couple of miles of this and I will be hungry again.. glad I have the bag of snacks. About a half mile inland and moving onto a dirt pathway to stay away from the now present horse drawn manure wagon….. snort snort…. Its still nice to smell the rich grasses and tilled fields. There is wood smoke on the air too and over the hedge row off to the right is a steam engine threshing hay? Barley? The four men standing around it and watching the machine as well as the terriers leaping into the edges and catching rats and with swift flicks of their necks kill the rodents and toss them…. A wave gets three waves back and a nod… I could do this……