Friday, June 13, 2014

Abstracts by design.

What a cracked day... or daze. Between yesterdays computer melt down which when at last restored to some semblance of function decided that using a sync from ...oh...eight years ago was THE THING TO DO!!! Yay... not. It didn't take long to fix that because we have a very smart ITO. It would have taken me much longer to do and I would have probably just wiped the offending problems out and reloaded it. Today I had a dental appt. My Dentist is leaving... How very self centered of her to go and get six months pregnant ( not that you could see it, she is tiny ) but then hike off to Texas with her husband... ridiculous! She was the best dentist I have ever had. Now I have to travel to Texas...hahaha... No. She is going to get me in with another good dentist. So...there is where the story started.

My appt was at 0700. I did get there 15 mins before and I did get out ( with aching head ( not her fault )) and off to work and made it in by 0830. Why you ask. Because there were two tender problem children that had to be dealt with. Yes I could have left it to the guys. Yes they could handle it. The big tripper to that was I had all the info in my noodle and getting it out and to them would mean they would have to rerun a bunch of parameters I had already done. So... better for me to grit through the pain.. get into work... make some calls, shoot some emails off and then bug out home early to get more aspirins. it worked and hopefully tomorrow and Monday we will have closure.

Long bit up there. Got home just after 1230 and edited a picture for a friends birthday. Nothing major, just a bit of fun. I also found a few things I wanted to try with other pictures.. I am not too happy with those but they are look worthy. I thing I know how to change the process I used to get a better outcome. They are below.

 Going on my hall wall across from the guest bathroom.... get it!

Tests. These were not like the look now... no how...


Better then giving your customers info out everywhere.

Been here, done this.. ugly is the nicest word.

Not good but since nature will modify stronger than this.. Mt St Helen's for one point.. well.... No More War!

With most laws made... even now.. most are very stupid. Laws should be of the kind that says if you do something stupid you are held responsible for it. Darwins Awards handed out at the end of the year.


Since all the so and so's that are highly interested in the merry go round, horizontal ferris wheel, were more inclined to look as if they were waiting for someone to pop out instead of pop in.. well.. Best part of valour was to retreat and wait them out.. Or... get up ( getting up ) and ambling off counter clockwise around the fete. Looking over the wares on tables, strange things for sale for a pittance and knitted items as well as some hand made knives and nick knacs. Just drifting along with a quite hello to the gents and a nod to the ladies and children. Nobody in the glee club are interested in me so I should be able to make it to the far side of the field. And so I did and guess what.. Yep... Its a field alright. Same as other fields. Oh.. except for the Jack Russel who has just bounded up to me, stopping, butt down, tail wagging, tongue wagging. Nicely trained Jack... leaning down to show the back of my  hand to it.....