Sunday, June 22, 2014

Cards, Deuces Wild

I was supposed to get up this morning. I was supposed to be out to see the Top Gun balloonists try to make the targets, I was supposed to see the two new Zing Racer types fly. My creaky old body decided I would lay in bed groaning from the abuse I put it through yesterday. Unknown I had used my left arm as a prop, brace, locking clamp through the three/four hard landings I did yesterday. Watching the video take I can see myself just jolly well setting my left elbow jam into the crook between bolster and upright and just bounce off it over three hits into the ground. That plus using my right arm / hand to control and work my lines. Crazy over use. I am paying for it today. Muscle relaxers and aspirins and not doing anything quickly. Best choice.

I did get the bed linen washed and back on the bed as well as packing away cameras and equipment. Nothing hard, nothing fast. I did watch the end of the Star Trek ~ Darkness movie and also the whole of the Avengers movie. I am glad I didn't pay for either. Aside from the more excellent cinematography and a few good bits of dialogue neither was worth the time logically. Avengers ending was so campy I was looking around for the white tracking dots. Yawn. Lets try something original and clean instead of expecting the special effects to carry the movie. Another yawn. I am reading. Brian Daley's Requiem For A Ruler Of Worlds for the ..... 50 something-th time. Why.. Because its a slap your chaps hooten hollerin fun time in space, earth, elsewhere. It never tries for the cheap laugh but cracking you up just there without the least need for you to fill in a blank off the cards your kindergarten teacher held up. Three books in total. Everyone worth the time to read ( okay, Number three is a bit of a yawn across the middle ). Why not produce that as a movie. Would easily make six movies out of it. Please do not in that destroy it like was done with Tim Powers, On Stranger Tides... which was the core of the Pirates of the Caribbean movies. The original movie was ten to one hundred times better... But I digress.....

I did while sitting and trying to NOT MOVE my arm nor piss off my back... do some edits in kind of a set of shots.... Look below. I may have to get better shots but I worked with what I had... And yes I wanted them exactly ( somewhat ) how I have them. Don't ask foolish questions.... unless you cant help yourself.

Hard to get equator shots unless you are flying next to that balloon. Colors and size are limited on this set because of the need to do it NOW and not wait till I have a chance to get Just That Exact Shot! Yeesh!

OKay.. Links today are iffy...

For those of you that are aged and trying NOW to learn tricks.. Like training wheels.. exactly like training wheels...

Many comments come to me of drives failing or iffy. Buy two of the same drive.. mirror everything. If you thing a drive is bad.. change it out. This is a test before...

 Windows Surface 3...really? Getting a bit like Apple arnt we? As much as I love my surface, and I do... I am not stepping to 3 for what they did to it. Many more upgrades need to be done before I would.. Like dual USB 3 ports. Dual bootable Micro chip storage..things like that...

And.. off on the stupid...

Told ya.... Its like that.

With the wail on the storm the blue flaming tendrils suck below my boots. The planking is highlighted as streaks going across and over and around in two dimensions just below me. I can, it seems, like I am about...okay it looks, when looking at my feet that I am half inch above the boards. Whoa.. and I say this because there is a reflection as the traces go beneath the leather bottoms and create shadow streaks.. back and forth. A very loud feminine "Damn it all!" rages closer, about where the outside of the carousel might be if at this time I could know that. Still looking at the feet and not gonna raise my head, the traces rush outward to start building a hexagonal border about the inside floor-space centering on me..... whoa baby again!