Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Obscurity....In plain sight.

Just a note to let on about titles. I usually put the title in as a little bell to what most interests me today.. Or this day.. being the day it is. Sometimes though I get carried away and all hell breaks loose, goes for coffee and ends up slouched down in the chair the rest of the day.

Today's insanity was brought to you by the letters, T, M, A, O, and T again. Too Much At One Time. Its like spikes in your head to make your nerves just sizzle. Problems here, problems there, all at the same time. I was grinding my teeth for a bit there trying to process very important stuff while being chewed away but little things. I never want to turn anyone away and there are some things that just cant be done by someone else so that I can pay attention to the primary. If I stopped to explain what was needed I would spend twice the time it would take me to do it myself and also cause twice the delay in the hot topic. I have to still learn to asses priorities on the fly and categorize quickly, then act. I did it but it sure did cause me to stop and get mad at myself.

Hot Inflation. Purpose built Racer envelopes always lift in a odd way compared to standard envelopes or modified racer types. Ask and I will tell ya.

Help is on the way. I will be able to relinquish two and a half of my extra duties. One I cant let go of because its such a mess still and I am just starting to get it cleaned up. I will see it to the completion. Plus there are tons of things I end up having to field because of where I sit. Not complaining.. never that.. just going on because I can here. No, really, Id rather be busy than twiddling my fingers in a pattern.. like this............ ( I was flicking my fingers about there ). I think that once I let go of those two things I can pay direct attention to the one thing plus my job and get the training running and be happier with knowledge of what I need to know not just this wandering about. Its all good and will work out in the end.

Not being followed... HAH! Ive lost the chase crew. Really, flying a balloon you are always doing 260 degree checks. This was while I was ground tracking at 12 mph per the gps and getting ready to do my first landing of the day.

Editing last night I thought about what I was doing and how scattered I am.. I get bored with things quickly and am off to try something new. Its not that I wont come back to it later.. or on a minutes notice but yeah. things get stale to me..

Who got out of the basket? I am in my normal position in the back right corner, legs crossed at the ankle and relaxing over Southern Blvd.

There is a chance to fly again this weekend. Not sure I can do it though. Short crew, other items needing attention and little time to attend to them. I even thought for a while that this daily blogging was taking too much time to do... I spoke to myself sternly. This is more than a blog.. Its a place for me to blow off steam, rant, show some pics, edits or what not, also put some web pages and ideas in front of you that you might not ever see.... and try to write a coherent sci fi story with absolutely no talent, just ideas.

What a go pro video looks like when it falls from the uprights, then gets slammed and graded under the front edge of the basket.

You will have noted I spaced pictures in between each section of writing... I felt like it. Did you understand the descriptions? All good then.

Left behind gopro. Dragging for about 40 yards or so... it still recorded the dust blowing past it.
 Camera works fine with a little cleaning.

To the links... which is not the same as what a golfer would hear...

If it would just stay with me flying it would be great...but it don't have the legs.


We are in the age of scientists creating stuff that might be useful, dangerous, deadly, stupid... here come the zombies!!!


I thought this wa waste until they mentioned bacon...


Who would have thunk it. Also.. deleting or editing well known pictures to shield children is only going to backlash in the future.. Quit editing the future to fit the ridiculous PC morays of the world now.


Two triangles and two colors and a slight ringing in my ears... Hard to hear much of anything for all the pyrotechnics around me. as the orange and blue wedges sit melding together the third is spinning down below... A buzz-saw of red... turning white along the edges....a fish on an invisible line.. flashing this way and that in the murky depths.. rushing left, then right and around counter clockwise and back again.. ever closer... is there some thing special about the red spinning thing... .... ah..no... it tries to break the line by slamming into place next to the blue with another deafening tone... B flat I believe.... har har ahr... BLoooonnngggg!