Saturday, June 28, 2014

Scotchy Scotch Scotch

Its a bummer when you can do what you want to do because there  are things you need to do. I had to be at work this morning to help with some very important paperwork. It was made complicated by one fire. I also had to stay at home to be able to sign for a registered letter that has yet to arrive. Yeah... So... I missed some great ballooning and a good meal...but I am glad I have this job and I am happy I work with people I do because they will also work on a Saturday to make sure things get done. So, yes, it was not the weekend I expected, but it is, and its life.

I am eating Ben and Jerry's Scotchy Scotch Scotch ice cream....

Consider the lilies.....

I really would have liked a chimmi covered in green chili though..... sigh.

So....... Yeah.. the day was spend sitting, waiting, nibbling and getting cables, chargers and such together.
I would like to say its done but it isn't. Ill do some more after I finish this.

I did plan on doing things artistic but that got shanghaied by my stress bubble. I did some edits though... I didn't have the ability to stay on one task or type. I did load two different folios to my website that had been laying fallow for quite a while. Links later if I feel up to it.. or remember. I may forget.. I have gotten up three times now for something only to return without it.. and then remember what I wanted.

Oh... if the letter isn't here today I have to take time off work to be here to receive it. Yes, I have to have it for work. I could not change the address it was going to to work because I couldn't get permission in time to do that. Its all messed up and there is nothing to be done but suck it up. So I am sucking up Ben and Jerry's

No music today....

Links.... limited but interesting.

As if humans made the most ridiculous faces at times....

HDR.. yes it can be overused and overblown. Yes sometimes its terrible but hay.. do what you want to do.

I have yet had the time or need to do this but I do what to do so....

This cracked me up to no end... so true!

Oh well... hope you enjoyed that.....

Yellow must be the color of the tile that is heading up at my feet now... why.. because I can see it reflecting as it hits my chin and, well, my eyebrows again.... must have those trimmed. Back to the hand! Still reaching out and still as still as carved ice. I wonder what sound yellow is? Lemony? or Bananaish.. what is a banana sound like...... sploomish? Oh well... a tubular bell.... Tanggg........... AH HAH!!! That hand which is attached to that arm is moving... Head fully up now and looking at the hand that now seems to be reaching for my throat..... perspective.... hell of a thing....