Friday, June 6, 2014


Another Friday arrives with a chuckle and a squint into the sun and wind. Unlike regular mornings I got out of bed before it pounced on me and caused me a lot of extra back ache. In fact, I was able to outrace it until about 1200 when it hit me with the tangled cords beneath my desk. I was about to grab a pair of wire cutters and just cut it all up and walk away to the storage building and pull out the old typewriter.

Common sense and the knowledge that the right bastard cables would not win this time kept me at it. Novel how the Ver dammin plug ends are designed to catch on every other cable. Lets start up a manufacture of smooth cables that are smooth to the cable and the plug ends can be removed. Nary another cable grab. I'll draw one up for you. Later. See with multiple monitors and speakers and alternate computers and multiple net links…well they are never going to look neat with the confining space of the backside of my desk. Not gonna happen.

Work itself was fine again. Much done. Made a run to the store and back for the office and hit the Radar to see how the PMs were going on the generator… Just fine thank you. The end of the day came quietly for the office but with the howling of Le Grange by ZZ Top. Next stop.. here with the blog run.

I worked on more of the black white color wash edits last night but lost heart with it. I am going to have to get more shots soon… and not just balloons. Something different or gee .. a different view. Hmm. I'll have to think on that.
Here is what a ran off last night…. Plus I did get my tri shot of Albuquerque picked up. Now for frames and on the wall…. I'll take a pic of that when I do.

It turned out awesome and you can see darn near down to bad pants suits in old town. Now to get frames.


Arizona H & J

Nudge Nudge

Raising Steam


Image problem.. like.. need to use shots of some other country for their tourist brochures?

Huber Goober unfaithful facts more like…

They keep missing the target even though they are 6 inches from the damn thing…

Not just Apple.

They could have at least made it a little more surreal… Fish eye kinda…

Cracking the wipe on myself… really just ambling along.. I know or I feel I know that when I get there will be the right time to be there. Kinda like being in the right place at the right time and knowing it… End of the rainbow… Finish of the car wash…. Last spoon of treacle pudding…. Always savor the taste. Even if its a friendship.. Enjoy it.. Don't beat it into staying there with you… Don't coterie.. just be there… Smiling… den if you are shoe less and can't find a hat. Enjoy it. Memories can be colored by your perspective… if you hate someone for the memories in your head… flip them over… How does it look like from the other side.. Perhaps you need to quit picking the scab and just smile at the fresh skin and cool air flowing over now unbroken flesh. Go jump in a field… The hope of regaining the memories that have been ripped from me is the most intriguing thing. What people think who are interested in removing memories….. Take a finger off why don't you…. Good or bad.. the adjusted your course through the maelstrom of life… unless your a blithering Idiot…..

But I digress…