Tuesday, June 3, 2014


Wack, wack, wackity, wack! I can only process so much. My time to think is gone missing. Scheduling is not the problem. I have no schedule ( even though I posted one ) at work. Its impossible due to the flux of items that arrive willy nilly. Just spent precious minutes correcting that damn nilly. I just want to bash my office computer in. I wait and wait for it to switch processes and I am tap taping my fingers. Don't get me started on the software and archaic codes and such. I need a good cold glass of milk and cookies… I'll take Jaffa cakes or PIMs thanks.

Editing and picture taking is going.. Well the editing is. I was working on some for the Cloudbouncer last night. Debating if I should put all the shots in it this month in the altered black and white. Hmmm… I could. Its not like I have parameters for that. Debating. I have also been trimming shots from past AAAA flights to put in since the last rally was called off. I will try and close it up later tonight. Then I want to search for more stud I can juggle around. I really need to upload to my website. I have not done that in ages. I did get to revise  the shot city pano for my living room wall and send it up for printing. Three 20 x 30 panels of the Albuquerque cityscape. It would be done quickly and I can get frames easily. I need to do the sunset one soon too. Below are the three panels. The original size was about 30 meg each.. The system choked. I added someof the odd bwcolor effects too.


Signs and Portents.

I want a button of buttons.

Ouch! It burns!

Old is new again…..

Mulling all that I have seen and been through I don't feel that chucking it all in will let me loose of it. But, now.. how do I get back to my place as I have jumped out of the stream so adroitly and stepped in horse manure when lighting down, causing foot to slip and butt to hit the ground. Do I just walk around yelling “Hay, Sorry, Can I come home now?” Or do I have to do something else. Pull the book out or where ever I stuffed it… Jump on the watch since it won't open… How do I find my way back… And, well, will I be happy with returning. I think my hosts are wondering if I am coming back from my daze. Nodding as I regain focus of my eyes and with a smile and leaning back, looking right at John I ask, “Is there a fĂȘte in the neighborhood?