Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Tapioca! YUCK! Wednesday thoughts and shots

Well its WeDnEsDaY.... The start of it sucked heavily. Personally I think that I take things too personally.. but I really just want to do my job...what ever that happens to be a the moment... get it done right.. get it done well and get it done! I do so hate to wait and be delayed. Sigh. My waiting is still going on. Hopefully tomorrow I can get a list of things I need to submit and submit it.. and be done with it. I have lots of other things that need to be doing.

Since I was delayed I was able to get off work on time and come home.. I dont mind working late as long as I am getting things done. So I got home.. hitched up the trailer and went and got propane in my balloon for Saturdays flying with the AAAA. All I have to do now is check radios, sensors, and get some snacks and drinks for the crew.

I decided that I would post some shots from across a span... Here is what I did... I pulled the video I took at the last AAAA rally at the Fiesta Park... I went through it and snapshot segments and saved to BMP files. Took the BMP files and saved those to JPGs... took the JPGs and processed them through a tone mapper then with two a put them in Gimp and spun them... LOL.... Just to see what would happen...

The snapshots are so very crisp out of the video files... its pretty amazing. Because the sun was right on the horizon the reds and yellows and oranges are heavy... but I think it still looks cool.. Here they are...

Great parking job... I told myself.. hah...

Just standing here.. not touching nothing!

Whats next? Um..... chase... Yeah!  Chase!

Bu Buy now.. bu buy....

I saw a balloon around here.. but... its gone! Nice white gloves too.

Okay so.. there.. now... tweaking...

So Big Little World...

And... woah!  That's just very strange....
Love how there is a flock of duplicated balloons in the edge.... LOL.. that is funny... I didn't heal the cut at the bottom because the horizon isn't level... it was just all for fun.

Hope you enjoyed the ride.


talking about correcting things and balloons...

Go off the grid..... 

So.. so very sneaky....

Cheating .. rip offs.... and I can believe it!

Sleep on that.