Friday, August 23, 2013

Bobonicon .. first convention.. Not that that was the highlight. WOAH!

WOAH I say!

I my my wife just spent.... wow four hours... wow!

Okay.. Ill start at the beginning...

There is a Sci Fi ish convention going on in Albuquerque right now.. with the unlikly name of Bubonicon...

Normally I wouldn't go as I never have thought to go but... Tim Powers was gonna be there and he is my favorite Since I couldn't get to Vegas when he was there I was not going to miss the chance to say hi and shake his hand and say thank you....

Now... at the end of the night... well....

We just spent four hours chatting with Tim and his wife Serena... Tim was running back and fourth to panels so we talked and ate and talked some more. It was ( I think I used this too much but ) Awesome! I learned so much from Tim and a ton from Serena... I have lots to look up and lots to watch. Quite a lot in common and they are both down to earth real bona fide friendly and smart people. So much information going through my head...

We got home at 1045! PM! We never stay out this late... we never are on the other side of town... But Serena and Tim were so captivating... Boggles the mind. Poor Tim is running back and forth so much to panel to panel... and Serena has to deal with everything else...I do not know how they do it. Thanks to them for making us part of your day. Tomorrow..guess what... we are going to get together again and chat more.

 Now we are both decompressing LOL... what a evening. Also they have some art and things to sell and for sale... So if your in the area of the Marriott off Louisiana that's where the show is.

Here are a few misc shots... Laughing now.. for all that time not one picture of Tim or Serena.. not that I was about to stick another camera in their faces...and I even had the Nikon with me.

There were a lot of people wearing Steam Punkish stuff and one stormtrooper and a bunch of I HAVE NO CLUE WHAT.... It was novel.... This steam punk thing is pretty goofy.. overdone and overdone.

I didnt get a chance to hear Tim on a panel but I dont care... the time with Serena was great. Again. I dont know how they do it.

Here are some quick links.

Since it was brought to my attention by someone that you tube has great research information I was told about this segment.... LOL

And... at the convention there was art to purchase... some very very good.. some very very bad!!! very bad... stop now.. no dont please... In the spirit of that...

This is pretty cool.. learning more things...

And for those who fly a lot....on planes

Okay.. off to bed soon.... have a good one... I did!