Wednesday, August 28, 2013


You know I really love Albuquerque but I do so hate the jerks who bang into your vehicle and drive away. Now the Honda has a slight dent behind the passenger side wheel well and scratches on the bumper and wheel well. Stupid jerks! Now money I had other plans for has to go to this. Love it! Knee cap everyone if them. Yeah its not that bad but dammit! I am careful every time and park far away and they still mess me up.

Sigh! I need a vacation. I need a vacation in a vacation. Can I get a vacation with a vacation chaser with a little party on the side?

Well I got my balloon back from its annual. Nice to find it is in good shape. Not to happy about the cost but I should not complain about that either.. It gets a good once over and everything tested. I would not pay less for less attention to detail. Its my rear hanging out in the air in the air...LOL. Thanks Aerco for the quick turn around. Now all I have to get is munchies for the crew and we are good to go. Saturday/Rainbow/0630.

I did mess around with some more pictures. I selected some shots from last Fiesta and did some wide screen cropping and also some polar edits. I am surprised that my surface tablet can process 6 times faster than the old HP. Guess I will be using this or the main computer from now on. Sitting here for 30 minutes for a render sucks. I am going to print some of these soon.

This one just shouts.. Boom! Balloons...

 And in your face.

Flagging. The spokes are the flag poles at the North end of the field.

And you Mate. Now you can see the flags.

Specific Gravity. Love this one. So stylized.

That was a lot of fun. More grist for the mill. Cant wait till this fiesta to frame the shots for better polars.

Here are some somewhat interesting links.. don't blame me.. I only point them out.

No, sorry.. a messy desk or work-space make me want to clean it up. I cant get anything done unless there is order. I just want to take a flame thrower to the desk in the link.!hWZtj

And who would have thunk it! Alternate histories.. why look farther than the net...!hWZJh

If I am not important then I am not relevant. I am in my own mind! I am lost in my own mind. Free ice cold milk and PIE!

For my skate board friends... Useful? Interesting I think.

Happy Pie day to you!