Saturday, August 10, 2013

Saturday - Carrot Cake day!

I wish... but alas I do not have such.. though I am hungry.

Went out to balloon today.... all the way out to Rio Rancho and then the stinky storms had to look threatening... Oh well... there is always next weekend.... or the weekend after that.... Yeah.

So now I was dinking around with more pictures.. and after two hours of that I went back to finish editing the Meow video.. finished that up and processed it only to have to sound fail again! What a pain in the butt.

I will have to process it on the other computer to get it working... going to have to wait till it gets cooler.
Found the best tunes to run on it. Just for fun.

I posted some landscape shots edited to my web site.. That was fun.. but there are so many that I could do... I was not being selective.. just surfing and editing.... that was after I did some more polar shots which I will post a few here in a moment.

Lost time today... it just winked away. LOL. Its looking naughty outside again.... real dark and ugly. Wicked city. I expect I am going to sleep in tomorrow and hide from the sunlight... lol.. until 6am. Probably.

I do like that I had time to play with the pictures as well as the video. Its been a while... I did the dishes and laundry too....oh and cleaned the guest bathroom so no.. I was not sitting on my butt all the time. ":O)

Some fun.

Love this tree... This was set to vivid... clipped processed and polarized...LOL

Ahh.... an office sign... This one I had to edit the heck out of... but dang it turned put good.

This church has a small congregation.... one pew. or two pews.. pew pew!

PITAS KISS stopped in the act... I guess I like the right side of the screen.

Another bit of green.... I want to revisit these when I have time to do it right... Love the dusty colors.

Hah! It still came out okay even with the funky poles. I do like the round instead of the squared edits.

Food!  Need food!  Nice squeeee and the center....

These are more difficult to do since there are only some that can work and you almost cant tell until you import it... I threw out three I think... they just were.. blah....  Ill post the rest to my website tomorrow.. I want to do a few more.

Have some links....

As much as these could be fun... Not in the bathroom thanks....

Food again!  looks good but yeah... cafeteria food?

Showers! Woooo..... I like this!

I feel the same way without staying up Sunday night...

Funny!  I hope you have a wonderful Saturday evening... or Saturday night....