Sunday, August 18, 2013

Polar Autos

I have been super under the weather lately. Feeling pretty awful. Not visibly sick but feeling numb, over temped and wobbly. Going to get checked out tomorrow. So I spent the day staying calm and quiet. I did some polar edits of non polar things.. more to the point I polar edited some vintage autos. Not very many shots would work and those that did were tough to configure. It took ages. I cant believe how few I did get done. Here are a couple of the shots.. surprised how many are orange or reddish backgrounds.

This last one is my favorite for the day. Turned out pretty cool for what it is.

Oh.. wobbly head!

Shows what you can do with a mundane picture. Whats next to try out. Though these are worth processing.

Ghostbusters... who ya gonna call?

Yeah ... facebook.. its sucky but still usable.. when it gets real sucky people will leave.. or as soon as a better alternative comes along.

Oh yeah.. no will power at all....

It looks like anyone can be an artist.. or try to be... even code...
