Friday, February 7, 2014


Lost! No, nonononono… damn, again! At least I can remember the last… what ever that was. Where to purple haze am I now? Let focus the eyes… okay. Open eyelids.. lids functioning at 85 percent. Above my head in the dimness I can see cream tiles. Tiles that are long top to bottom and short side to side. I can feel almost like ribs under my back and the metal support under my knees is quite uncomfortable. I can also see a red and blue blob in the edge of my eyes. I have found it better to lie very still in these situations to make sure nothing falls off. Okay, looks like everything is stabilizing or at least its not swimming my brain in its liquid survival pack anymore. Lets try a tilt of the head to the left…… and…. There is a little girl standing there. Big blue eyes like cornflower, ravens black hair cut to the shoulders in a sump bowl. From the light it looks like she has some sort of school uniform, great skirt knee socks gray shirt under a black coat and a tie of blues and something else. Leaning forward a bit, she whispers.. “Are you well”? Then a flicker like and old camera shutter snapping, and she's gone….

Looks like the weather that was due in dooo out! Aint happening. Nice blue skies and the snow is gone or going. Back to the old temps of Monday and around the 50s. I can do that. An extremely quiet day. I got back into our phone system and put some more tweaks in. That took most of my day. Other than that it was answer questions and write emails. Some work on property. Monday that will be my direction of attack. Getting it tied up. Tried to make a list of things to do but at the moment I cant. It just wont come. Tonight.. or I should say a bit from now I am heading over to the Albuquerque Balloon Museum to join the AAAA for their Friends and Lovers Rally kickoff. I plan on taking photographs for the Cloudbouncer and also for my files. If it goes well you will hear it here.

Had a great conversation on art and the use of subliminal messages in it. As much as its outlawed to be used on television ( for now ) its still there with the double talk or false advertising or like Obi Wan in Star Wars.. Its all from the perspective of the person. One that brought me up short was a nice little ad for riding on the bus instead of driving. It was all sugar and spice until you thought about it. Its starts with a picture of a bunch of cars stopped on the road. They remove the cars to leave the drivers.. then they move all the drivers into a set of rows then impose a bus on those drivers with the statement that all those cars and the people fit in one bus! So much BS in there.
1.the bus goes only to certain places from certain places. Are all those people going to the same place for the same place… uh.. NO…. Are those people able to do what the need to do before and after via the bus.. HAH. So its a total load of crap in a 30 second lie. Use your head. Think about what your being shown. Think about it.

Now saying that I have to say this. If you had routes that went where people worked and lived instead of very generally then more people would ride. You would think that I, who works near the airport could get to close to where I work from where I live… Yeah.. good luck with that. I would have to ride one bust that goes in a long “L” then get off and get on another bus that would take me back almost the way I came and stops about 3 or 4 miles away from my office. That's the problem. I wouldn't mind it taking a half hour to get to work and let someone else drive and go with others but the bus don't go where I work and it takes over an hour to get part of the way. Not gonna work. There needs to be a round robin route for some busses. From Intel to cottonwood to Quail to UNM or Louisiana to the Airport and back. Major stop points only. Ah well… I love only 15 minutes by car to my work so I will look at getting a economical ride next…can't be helped.

Oh.. and on the art part… here are a few shots I edited for wide. By SQUOOSHING them!  Fun times!

Delta V


3    5    0

Blue Blazes.

Green eggs and ham.


Links that are kinda okay..

This is an informatics.. interesting but questionable.

Do your fingers prune up after being in the bath a long time? Mine used to but as I got older it take longer immersion. Its all how your skin sucks up the water.

Are we getting to the point where we can build our own replacement parts? Its getting close.

Are you going to watch the Olympics? I doubt I will unless the don't sugar coat the bad conditions. I will be watching the curling as I love it for some very odd and probably deeply seated condition.

Gone going outta here….