Thursday, February 27, 2014

Slip The Light Fantastic.

Peering around the corner of the bedstead towards the aforementioned “breakfast cart” and waiting for it to go boom or let off some sort of noxious gas or spring loaded knives….. Nothing…. Its proximity set… or coded… hmm. Pulling a shoe off and tossing it onto the bottom shelf of the cart creates no anomaly other than I have a cold foot. Okay… overreaction… totally acceptable after all this. Getting up and walking over to the cart and sniffing seems a better use of my time… I smell… Eggs, bacon, toast, defiantly strawberry jam and something else. Gently lifting the silver cover off the table hoping I would get to eat something before the explosion… no explosion but I can see… all the above mentioned items as well as a small steak and bangers! Oh nice. Under the other squares cover is coffee, orange juice.. quick taste test… yep, orange juice with pulp, nice and rich. Sugar and cream or milk… Every thing looks and smells delightful. A little coffee poured with sugar and cream… sipping.. no dead.. no cramps…. Just a huge roar from my stomach!!!!!

And this Tuesday slides by. Spent the morning helping set up a tornado simulator. Darned humidifier stopped working. Had to get another one. That worked fine. Back to the office and phone calls and emails. Nice help from my friend to the south. The ASA or Administrative Support Assistant in El Paso is one of the nicest people I've known. There are so many pitfalls in the paperwork side of this work that you step into things because you didn't see them and then get in trouble for not knowing it even though the is no map telling you that there was a hole there. So its down to everyone tries to help everyone else out. Not fun. I worked on a phone problem also today… So today was… Outreach, emails, phone calls, purchase plans, requests, property, equipment receiving, phone system troubleshooting, and more travel paperwork. I'm not complaining at all. Not at all at all.

I went into the files and pulled up my shots from Vaughn and Encino NM. I toned or HDR processed some of the more interesting ones. I have to go back and do more as there are many more that will look good with the treatment. Below are some of my favorites. I will probably go and edit some more after to pull in special things I like. Still mulling the D7100. Here they are…..

Green Grocer. 
 It just came to me. HAH! I played with this file for quite a while. Now onto the tones....

Coverup Drugs
 Until the building fell down beside this sign it had been hidden for a while.

First In Line.
 The sun was just in the right place to enter the shot. Might be waiting a while.

 I have taken this shot before but I think this is the best one.

Cold Drinks & Ice Cream.
 Somber reminder of happier days.

Posted in Nowhere.

Some of the times I can get very melancholy doing these. I love it but I am always reminded of the people who left and the businesses that closed... opportunities gone.... The probably just moved to the other side of town or to greener pastures....

Links of mystery…

A very nice idea… I like it a lot…

The second story I came across about the dangers of lazing parts of your home

Wow… that much be a nasty job…… think, really bad poses of unedited people… with no clothes on… Yuckie.

If you think what I write is fantasy.. hah…. I think you should read this….

I want to say that we sit on a nexus of probabilities and that the divisions between here, now, then, future and past are thinner than we think. Don't slip. Along this though comes one. Read Douglas Adams The Long Dark Tea Time Of The Soul.. you might understand what I mean. Douglas writes so very well.

Sleep on that one.